South Georgia's Wonderful,
Forgotten Waterfalls & Caves
Great natural wonders in Southwest Georgia? Yep -- waterfalls that pour into the bosom of earth, vast caves that sparkle with delicate ice-like formations and creeks that disappear into the ground -- underground pools of clear water that stretch into hundreds of yards of underwater trails and underwater halls--all right here in the flat farmlands of Southwest Georgia.
Glory Hole Caverns is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the South. It is one of Mother Nature's most beautiful works of art. Nearby are more of Mother Nature's wonderful works of art: two of the South's most beautiful waterfalls, a small stream that disappears underground; and more caves -- including Climax Caverns, the largest "dry" cave in the entire Coastal Plains of the United States.
These sites are among the most spectacular gems in Georgia's treasure trove of natural wonders. But don't expect to hear about them when major newspapers or magazines write about Georgia's scenic attractions. When they do write about Georgia's natural wonders, they always talk about sites in our North Georgia mountains and sometimes, almost as an after-thought, they will mention our beautiful seacoast. But never, ever, do they bother to mention any of the natural wonders of Southwest Georgia. This is especially true of our Georgia Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism -- they simply ignore the region. This despite the fact our region includes some of Mother Nature's most spectacular creations.
Great Natural Wonders of Georgia
Largest cave in coastal plains of eastern United States
ighest waterfall in entire US coastal plainsT
wo of the South's most spectacular cavesS
econd highest waterfall in the coastal plains of eastern United StatesProposed Park
PLEASE NOTE -- this is a proposed park and NO development now exists at any of these sites. They are all privately owned and not open to the public.
Superlatives can't describe any of these natural wonders adequately. But don't plan a vacation trip to the area just yet. One of the most beautiful spots in the South isn't available for you to see because it is hidden away underground and the only way to get in today is through an extremely tight and dangerous hole at the bottom of a shallow sinkhole.
This website is devoted to a particular area of Southwest Georgia (the "Wiregrass" area), located in Grady County and adjoining Decatur County and includes several natural wonders, caves and waterfalls.
The website is designed with sections on each of the caves, waterfalls, disappearing creek and other sites as well as a section on history of the movement to create a major park for the area. Be sure and visit each of the pages or you will miss a LOT! Click on the sections in the INDEX below.
Be sure and visit ALL the pages of the site...there are PHOTOS of fantastic cave formations and the waterfalls to see.
Read about the long battle to preserve these great Georgia natural wonders and develop their potential as a major tourist attraction. Click on "HISTORY" in the INDEX to learn more about this struggle to bring new jobs to Southwest Georgia AND preserve some of Georgia's most spectacular natural wonders for future generations.
And be sure and read the "Letter to the Governor" page to learn more about the struggle to preserve these wonderful sites and other economic and educational needs of the Southwest Georgia region.
Southwest Georgia's natural wonders need your help. If you like the natural wonders you see on this website and believe they are worthy of development and would like to see them preserved for future generations, then contact your state senator, state representative and Governor Perdue -- urge them to establish a state park here to preserve these natural treasures and bring new jobs to our region. We also urge you to contact the Department of Natural Resources Board, which controls all of Georgia's state parks, historic sites, game and wildlife and other divisions.
You can send a message to Georgia Governor Perdue and let him know of your support for development and preservation of these natural wonders as a major state park. Take time to send him, the Georgia Parks Division and Tourist Division a note and especially the DNR board a note and urge them to support establishment of a state park for these sites.
These are links to their contact pages:
I also welcome your comments about these Georgia natural wonders.
email me:
20 July 1999