Beasley Family Association
Welcome to the Beasley Family National Association Home page. The Association is a national, non-profit family club dedicated to gathering and preserving Beasley family heritage for all descendants of our family, including Beasle, Beazley, Beesley, Beezley, Beezly, Biesley, Bisley and all other spellings. See more about our purpose and goals below. Our site offers a Beasley family HISTORY section with a wide variety of subjects; a Beasley family NEWSLETTER with current news about your kinfolk; a Beasley Family Memorials section where you may post a memorial to a loved lost one; and a Beasley family QUERIES section where you can post messages to try and find a "missing" ancestor. Our newest section is on "Famous and Notable Beasleys" which honors our kinfolk who have earned respect for their achievements in all fields of endeavor.
Our family club's website is dedicated to making information available to all Beasley kinfolk about our family's history and to help reunite our scattered kinfolk. If you are a Beasley (regardless of spelling) or descendant of a Beasley, this is YOUR family page.
ne of the most often asked questions our historian gets is "am I related, because we spell our name Beesley", or some other spelling. How you spell the name today or how you find it spelled in an old record is of no consequence--until mass public education came about in the 20th century, only a few folk could read and write. How the family name was spelled on a record in early times depended upon who was doing the writing, so you find brothers and sisters with different spelling on documents. You can find it spelled several different ways in the same document. Visit the HISTORY section for more about the spelling of our family name.One of the goals of the family club is to become the national "clearing house" for all descendants of our Beasley family to help make preserving our family heritage and research on our family easier. We are now working on creating a Beasley Family National Library for our family, with copies of every type of both public and personal family records. The public items include copies of every type of record from local courthouses, state and federal agencies such as old deeds, wills, estate records, land grants, homesteads, military records, census records, etc. Personal records include such things as family Bible records, old letters, etc. You are also invited to submit queries on ancestors for inclusion here. Click on "HISTORY" in the INDEX below.
We also hope to eventually sponsor a Beasley Family National Reunion
and bring all our family together for the first time in several hundred years.
Our website includes an online family NEWSLETTER, with current news, obituaries, weddings, engagements, births and other articles about the family. We hope to have a new edition of the newsletter online at least once a month in the future. Such news as obituaries, weddings, births, etc. will be updated as soon as we get the information on a daily basis. This is YOUR family newsletter--with news about your kinfolk. Keep in touch with what's happening in the family by reading the newsletter often. Click on "NEWS" in the INDEX.
You can post a memorial in the "Memorials" section to honor a lost parent, grandparent, spouse, ancestor or other relative. You can include poems; information on birth, death, marriage, children, etc.; a photo; personal memories, etc. to memorialize the relative. Click on "MEMORIALS" in the INDEX below.
Looking for a missing link in your ancestry or a "lost" living relative? We also have a section where you can place messages/queries for other kinfolk who might be able to help you with information and records. Click on "QUERIES" in the INDEX below.
Ever wondered if we had any famous or notable kinfolk? We have a new section on "Famous and Notable Beasleys" to help answer your questions. It will include kinfolk who have served in elected government posts (governors, lieutenant governor, state legislatures, mayor, sheriff, county commission and all other elected offices) as well as other government positions; education (principals, professors, teachers); entertainment (the movies, TV, music, etc.); sports; the arts; science; and other fields. Click on "FAMOUS" in the INDEX below.
If you are a descendant of the Beasley family (regardless of spelling), you are invited and urged to join and support your family club. We are a family club and like all clubs, we cannot exist without MEMBERS. Your club membership dues will help support your Beasley Family National Library, this website, pay for office supplies, notebooks, more family research (purchase of family records from courthouses, etc.). If you read the purpose and goals below, you realize this cannot be accomplished by one person nor a few kinfolk. Only by working together as a real family can we make these goals possible.
A family club, like any other kind of club, must have MEMBERS to exist. We have some wonderful goals to gather and preserve our family heritage but none of these can be met unless kinfolk unite and help take part in this project. Without your support, a lot of family programs -- such as our Family Library and this family website -- won't be possible. Join us and help make this dream a reality.