Brown Family Club
Brown Family
History and News
If you are a Brown or descendant of a Brown, this is YOUR family webpage. This site is devoted to the history of the many families named Brown. It is the official home of the Brown Family Club, an organization for ALL the different Brown families. We hope our site will become a national "clearing house" for records information on our Brown ancestors to make it easier to learn more about our history and to preserve this heritage for future generations. Perhaps with cooperation like this, our children's children won't have to waste so much time to learn about their own families.
Please, don't ask if you are "related". -- as we said, this club is for ALL the different Brown families. If you are a descendant of a Brown--this means you too. Of course, all the Brown families are not blood-related. However, we are united in our common goal to gather and preserve our family's heritage.
We have a section on family history where we will post basic information and records online in the hope it will help relatives learn more about our ancestors. Please be patient as we add history to this section and invite you to join in this project. Click on "HISTORY" in the INDEX below to go to the history section.
Our site includes an online family newsletter where you can find current news about your relatives. The newsletters have obituaries of deaths in Brown families, wedding notices, engagements, births, anniversaries, school news and more. Click on "NEWS" in the INDEX below.
We also have a query section where you can post messages to help you find missing ancestors. If you are looking for a "missing link" or unknown ancestors or even "lost" living relatives, you might be able to find someone else who can help you with information and records. Click on "QUERIES" in the INDEX below.
We also want to set up a page for Internet links to Brown family pages which have family history on them. If you have such a site with family history included, let us know the URL address and we will add a link for you.
Have you ever wondered if you had any "famous" or notable kinfolk? This section will help you find out. The "Famous Browns" site of our Brown Family History section honors those Browns and Brown relatives who have achieved distinction in government and politics, entertainment (Hollywood movies, television, music), education, business and industry, military service, the arts, religion, science, sports and other fields. Click on "FAMOUS" in the INDEX below.
If you are planning a Brown family reunion, let us know so we can include an article about it here. Please send complete details: the exact location and directions of how to get there; dates and time; activities planned; and name, mailing address and telephone number of a person to contact. If the reunion is an annual affair, send some history of the event, when and where it began and who started it.
AFTER the reunion, send details of the event for another story. Tell how many attended and what cities and states were represented; names and hometowns of the oldest and youngest who came; activities held; history programs, etc. If it is an annual event, and you have elected officers, tell us their names and hometowns.
The Brown Family Club is a national, non-profit family club for all descendants of the Brown families. Obviously, we are not all blood related but we are united in our desire to preserve our family heritage. No one person nor small group can make such an effort--this big task requires a family club so we can all work and cooperate together.
Without your support, a lot of family projects such as our Family Library and this family website aren't possible. Join us and help make this possible. Send your membership dues to the Brown Family Club at the address below.