elcome to the home of the Hill families, the official website of the Hill Family Association, a national, non-profit family club for all descendants of all Hill families. The family club is devoted to gathering and preserving our family history as well as to all the living relatives scattered throughout the nation today.This website has been created to provide a central "clearing house" for those of us seeking knowledge about our family and who want to preserve our family heritage. If you are a Hill or descendant of a Hill--this is YOUR family website. Of course, all the Hill families are not blood-related. However, we do have a common desire to gather and preserve our family heritage. So please, don't ask if you are "related" -- as we said, this club is for ALL the Hill families.
The main purpose of the family club is to gather and preserve the history of ALL Hill families. We also hope to add a large section on Hill family history on the Internet (depending upon membership support). It will have basic historic information on our family that might help you in learning more about your family's history. You are invited and urged to submit information on your family lines to preserve in our Family Library and to post here. Go to the family history section by clicking on "HISTORY" in the INDEX below.
We have begun a Memorials section where you may post a memorial to honor a lost loved one: a parent, spouse, child, ancestor or other relative. Members can post a message as a memorial to their memory. Click on "MEMORIALS" in the INDEX below.
If you are looking for Hill ancestors, we also have a section for you to post messages -queries about Hill ancestors and living relatives. You can post a message on the Internet site and perhaps locate other relatives who might have information on your ancestor. Click on "QUERIES" in the INDEX below.
This section is devoted to those Hill kinfolk, including descendants, who have achieved prominence in any field of endeavor, including government, the arts, business and industry, education, entertainment, military service, science, sports, etc. Click on "FAMOUS" in the INDEX below.
Our site also includes an online family newsletter, with current news, obituaries of deaths in the family, births, wedding announcements, engagements, anniversaries, school news, and feature articles about Hills and descendants. If you've never seen a family newsletter -- it is like our very own family "newspaper". Click on "NEWS" in the INDEX below.
You are urged to send us information and copies of records on your immediate family to preserve in the Hill Family National Library. We are trying to gather copies of every type of public document and private records, including copies of marriage records, deeds, old letters, wills, US and state census records, obituaries, newspaper articles, family Bible records , estate and court records, birth and death certificates, military records, wedding and engagement notices, school records, old tax and voter's lists, cemetery tombstone inscriptions and more.
PLEASE, make xerox copies of the family information in your Bible, obituaries of Hill relatives, wedding notices, military discharge papers, birth and death certificates and other types of family records you have and send these to us to preserve in the Family Library. Take time to record all the birth dates, marriages and deaths in your immediate family. Record the memories of the oldest relatives you know so these can be preserved for future generations.
Our Family Library will be donated to the Georgia State Archives upon the death of our historian. This is the largest and most modern state archives in the South and centrally located for the majority of our family.
If your branch of the family is planning a reunion, please let us know so we can print an article about it in the family news-letters: send complete details, including the name, mailing address, telephone number and an email address if available of a person to contact for more information. Send dates, time and place; planned activities, history programs, etc. and if it is an annual event, please tell something about the history of the reunion, when and where it began, where all it has been held, who started it, etc.
AFTER the reunion, send such details as how many attended, what states and cities were represented, the oldest and youngest who came; if you have a cemetery committee, give the names and hometowns of the members and officers and any other interesting facts you can think of. Click on "NEWS" below to read about reunions.
If you are a Hill or descendant of a Hill and like what we are trying to do, you are urged to join and support your family club. Membership is open to ALL Hill families. Join and help make these goals possible. Help us preserve YOUR family heritage by joining your family club and becoming a part of the effort yourself.
Your membership in the family club is very important for it to succeed.
Without your support, a lot of family projects such as our Family Library and this family website won't be possible. Join us and help make this dream come true.
Send your membership dues to the address below.
Annual membership dues: $15
Click on icon box to go to those sections
Our family history section
Post a memorial here to honor a loved one
LOOKING FOR A HILL ANCESTOR? Post a query here for help
Hills in Congress, government, education, movies, sports, etc.
Your online family newsletter with current news about your kinfolk