Odom Family Association
"The Children of Woden (Odin)"
elcome to the Internet Home site of the Odom Family Association. Our site is dedicated to the Odom - Odam - Odem - Odum family (regardless of spelling). If you are a descendant of the Odom family, this is YOUR family club and website, sponsored by the Odom Family Association, a national, non-profit family club for all descendants of the Odom family, founded in 1978 to help reunite our scattered family and to gather and preserve our Odom family heritage.This Southern family is descended from Englishmen who came to the American Colonies in the 1600's and settled first in Virginia and North Carolina. From there, we have spread during the last 300 years to all over the United States and many foreign nations.
The family club is a center for information on the Odom families in America. Odoms, because they are so numerous, have been among the most difficult to trace. It could be easier--with more cooperation between relatives. This is the purpose of the family club: we hope to create one central source for all Odom descendants to come to for information about their ancestors. One of our main goals is to support the Odom Family National Library and to gather and preserve the family histories of all the different Odom families. Click on "HISTORY" in the INDEX below to see the History section.
We also have an online version of the family newsletter, with current news, obituaries of deaths of Odom relatives, wedding announcements, engagements, anniversaries, birth notices, school news, feature articles and more about YOUR family. Click on "NEWS" in the INDEX below.
We now have a Memorials section where you can honor a lost loved one with a memorial. You can post information on them (birth, death, marriage, children, etc.), poems, a photo, personal memories of them, their accomplishments, etc. Click on "MEMORIALS" in the INDEX below.
If you are looking for Odom ancestors or a living relative, you can post a message / query in the Queries section. You may be able to find someone who can help you with information and records on those "missing" family links in your history, or a lost relative. Some distant relative may have a family Bible with all the facts you have been looking for. You can post a query about Odom ancestors here to help you learn more about your heritage. Click on "QUERIES" in the INDEX below.
The Odom Family Association is a national, non-profit family club for all descendants of the Odom family--regardless of spelling. As a family club, it must have MEMBERS or it cannot exist. Without a family club and members to support it, your Family Library cannot exist, this website would not be possible, nor any of our other worthy projects. If you are an Odom, Odam, Odem, Odum or descendant of the family this is YOUR family club. The main reason the club was established was to provide all our family with an organization that we could all work with for the benefit of our family.
The Association had its beginnings in December, 1978, when our Historian sent out Christmas cards and letters asking relatives what they thought of the idea of a national family club for the family; it became active in 1979. The activities of your family club include sponsoring the family newsletter; sponsoring the Odom Family National Library; continuing researching to gather and preserve our family history; and other projects.
Our family projects are funded by your annual dues to the family club and with your donations. The dues help pay for such things as this website, research on our family (buying copies of more family records from courthouses and libraries), notebooks, paper, envelopes, postage, office supplies, printer paper and much more. If you share our dream and our goals, then join and support your family club.
Your membership in the family club is very important to make it a success.
Without your support, a lot of family projects such as this family website won't be possible and continued growth of your Family Library and our other projects cannot be realized. Join us and make this dream come true.
Click on the icon box to go to those sections
Our family history section
Post a memorial for a loved one in this section
LOOKING FOR AN ANCESTOR? Post your query/message here
Your online family newsletter
Our Editor and family historian is Robert Earl Woodham, a member of the Seminole County, Georgia branch of our family who are descendants of John Redden Odom
of Sampson Co., NC and Seminole Co.
Site established 19 June, 1998