
Glad you stopped by, !

Well, guess it is about time to change this front page just a little bit. This is just the jumping off site to each of the webpages that I have started for each of my grandchildren.
I hope that you will take the time to find your way to each of their homes. I've tried to make it as simple as possible. Just start off by scrolling down to Megan's Media and click on her link and you will be off on our little journey.
There are picture pages, Watch Me Grow pages, and just kid stuff pages. I'm in hopes, that as time passes they will want to take over their own pages. But for now, it more like a Grandpa's bragging site. Just might let the parents have just a little input, that is if they are real nice.
Things will be added or deleted as the grandchildren grow up, so check back often.......
Hope you enjoy.

gpapandy got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

HI There, I'm Oh_Thing.
Gpa P&d adopted me at

This was sent to me by
Michael Christie.
Everyone knows about the reindeer with
the shiny red nose. Well, this is his
story about Olive, the other reindeer.
It's very cute, and you sing about Olive
and probably don't realize it.

After you've read the story, you will
get it. If you still don't, just email
me at ajyII@AOL.com and I'll give you
the answer.


Most of the grandchildren now have their own
guestbook, so check their pages for their guestbook
and use this guestbook for Grandma Nita and Me....

This Grandparents Web Ring site is owned by Grandpa Pandy

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