We make friends online
Spending lots and lots of time together
Talking and telling stories
of our past, our hopes,
and our fantasies..
We get closer then we would
if we had met in person
For we have shared our souls..
Became soul mates..
Months turn into years..
You're so used to seeing them everyday..
It has become a part of your real life..
Knowing that when you turn off the computer
They will still be in your heart and mind..
You get online one day
Hoping to see their name on your screen
you sit and wait..never seeing them
One day turns into two..three..a week
You wonder if they are okay
Hoping to get at least an email
saying that they are..
You wait a few more days
and you decide maybe you
should email them..
You write your letter and sign it..
Your friend
and then you move your mouse..
to click on send
The screen comes up..
Address unknown..
Your heart stops..
You try again..
Moving your mouse quickly up to send
But sad to say your Friend
has left..
no goodbye..
Never to say hi..
how are you today?