I want to thank God for allowing me to afford the time to create this web site. Then I want to thank my family for their patience and support.

Thanks Everyone

My Space
My Blog

glad 2 b a friend! beau was 1 of my favorites!!! peace&love~rosie~ p.s. im a big big santana fan 2!!!!

I perform mostly in Austria with my rubboard player Philipp (just acc & wbd - the old school way:-)) and the last song is most of the time "give him cornbread". Beau jocque was the first zydeco musician who let me sit in and I will never forget that.

  • Michelle Espre for her kind words during a difficult time.

  • David Babbs "The Blues Doctor" for sharing the video, all the kind words, the live music he recorded,  and mostly for the great first hand experience he had at Beau Jocque perfomances. Contact Dave

  •  Michael Tisserand for documenting some great stories and articles, for all Beau Joque fans to cherish.

  • Darlene for the first web site dedicated to Beau Jocque. We both felt so strongly about doing something to honor him. Web Site

  • Robert Mugge, legendary music documentary director, for always taking the time to respond to emails and never once acted like any question was beneath him. Great character. Web site

  • Chuck "Chucky" Bush for taking the time to share his stories with me.

  • For all the fellow fans who have taken the time to share their feelings about Beau Jocque and his music. This is for you.

  • AND of course I want to thank Beau Jocque. Your music will always be a part of my life.

  •      K Paule for always having advice for the new guy. You are a friend.            Website 
Please feel free to send me any information, photos, stories, and / or thoughts you care to share. 



On the list of "walk in" in music at a Bruce Springsteen concert is Just One Kiss by Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers

Bruce Springsteen

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