Joseph is a striking example. Joseph was indulged by his father, hated and abused by his brothers, falsely accused of sexually assaulting his employer's wife, and forgotten in prison. Yet through those dark years, God was quietly moving Joseph into a position to save the founding fathers of Israel from starvation. God gave Joseph the ability to interpret dreams, which put him in favor with the king of Egypt. And because of his God-given administrative ability, Joseph soon became the prime minister of Egypt. In this role, he was able to protect the nation of Egypt as well as his own family from famine. More than 30 years after being the victim of his brothers' hatred, Joseph quieted their fear of retaliation by saying: Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God?

In Genesis 50:20, we read Joseph's final words to his brothers. They are a capsule of his life's view:

"As for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."
This amazing perspective reflected a life that had embraced the living God and trusted Him completely. As you face the pains and heartaches and mistreatments of life, it is only by complete confidence in the goodness and plan of God that you can overcome. The things that could destroy you can become building blocks on the journey of faith as you look for the hand of God in all the circumstances of life.
"This is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith" (1 Jn. 5:4).
If you have never confessed your sin and trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life can be a jumbled ball of confusion. But the One who died for your sins and gave Himself for your failures can bring rightness with God, forgiveness of sin, and a new sense of wholeness and purpose into your weary soul. Christ came into the world because of His love for you, and that love can bring an end to the emptiness or bitterness or sinfulness that wracks your life. Accept by faith the gift of eternal life and personal forgiveness He offers, for the only way to really overcome forever is to accept the victory of Calvary that He accomplished for you.
"The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 6:23).
Now that is real victory--and real overcoming.

taken from the Discovery booklet "Joseph: Overcoming Life's Challenges"

Charles Stanley has this to say about Joseph:

"It is in pardoning that we are pardoned."
St. Francis of Assisi

Forgiving One Another
Genesis 50:14-21

    It is illuminating to realize that nearly 25 percent of the book of Genesis is devoted to the narrative of the life of Joseph though he wasn't the most important of Jacob's sons. Judah, an older brother of Joseph, is by far the most significant son of Jacob because Jesus Christ is of Judah's lineage.

     Yet God in His infinite wisdom provided for us the account of Joseph, a "type" of Christ whose character was worth recounting.

     Perhaps the most striking aspect of Joseph's character was his forgiving spirit. He was wronged by his father (who dismissed Joseph's early dreams of God-ordained greatness), his brothers, Potiphar's wife, and even the butler, a jailhouse friend.

     Yet the Scriptures make clear that Joseph forgave each step of the way. We know this because the Bible repeatedly states that God was with Joseph or prospered his way. God will not honor someone who harbors an unforgiving spirit.

     Finally, we have the beautiful testimony of Genesis 50:20, where Joseph's wisdom shines brightest. Though his brothers had meant him harm, Joseph knew God had plans to transform their evil deeds into good.

     Forgiveness sets us free from bondage figuratively just as it did Joseph literally. Forgiveness is not based on feelings. To forgive is an act of the will. Will you?


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