My parenting style evolved long before I knew what "attachment parenting" was. We just knew that it made our lives easier to respond to the kids when they needed us, to bring them to bed with us, to try to anticipate their needs when they were infants and generally be there for them. That mindset continued into toddlerhood...we reached for them and held them when they fell; we didn’t push them away in vain attempts to make them "tough". They learned relatively early on that we would be available to them when needed. We didn’t spank – we used positive discipline and redirection. And it worked out really well. With each child we just continued in this vein. During my pregnancy with Maddie, I happened upon a parenting site on the web and found an expecting mothers bulletin board. It was there that I learned that our parenting style was, well, different. It was from the leader of that board that I learned about attachment parenting and from there I found other parents who shared my parenting philosophy. It was a welcome change from everyone I knew in my small midwestern town. Everyone I knew had been giving me "the look" when I would share anything about my parenting philosophies, so I rarely shared. It was nice to have like minded people to talk to, albeit in an on-line community.
Even as I know how much I gleaned from having this on-line community, I also know that I didn’t necessarily need it. Of course it was easier as Gage got older; people realized that he was well behaved and very secure so I "must be doing something right" as they said. I already knew that in my heart. The major drawback to labeling your parenting style is that when you associate yourself with one mind-set, one camp of thinking if you will, you automatically feel alienated from other ways of thinking. You start to think maybe your way is the only right way. Then you have that “us vs. them” mentality, it’s all or nothing. I don’t feel anything should be that way, especially parenting. I think the unfortunate result of attaching yourself to a label like attachment parenting or mainstream parenting is that you stop doing the things that you feel are right in your heart. You start thinking you might have to do a prescribed set of things in order to really belong that whichever group you've allied yourself with. I think, though, that if parents really listened to their inner voices, and if they parented instinctively, positive parenting would be the norm. So that's what I support; parents needn't listen to the "experts" when making parenting decisions. We are the experts! And one person practicing attachment parenting or positive parenting may do things very differently than another who also practices attachment parenting. There are no rules or secret handshakes in positive’s all about respecting our kids spirits and acknowledging that they have real, valid emotional needs that must be met.
Positive parenting, to us, is the availability to our children, the understanding that this parenting stuff isn’t always pretty and convenient, the desire on our part to give our kids the best parts of us. Our main goal in parenting is open communication. We want our kids to know they can tell us anything and that we respect whatever it is they say to us. In order to get to that point, we try to show respect for their thoughts, their spirits, their souls. And in order to do that, we respond to their cries, we hold them a lot, we give them choices. Some of the things we do in the name of positive parenting may be called "selfish". Our kids sleep with us…this enables us to get more sleep and also enables me to wake in the morning and look at my family in it’s entirety and appreciate all the more this gift I’ve been given. We plan to homeschool mainly because we want to be an integral part of our children’s education. These things could be construed as selfish, I suppose, but to us they just feel like the right way to parent.
Again, it all comes down to respect for our children. Their innocence, their purity of thought, their ability to play…these are things worthy of our respect. They really have no other motivation than the yearning for love and acceptance. They are not just small people, they’re better. They’re children.
Where can I get a sling?
My recommendation is the Over The Shoulder Baby Holder. This sling comes in many different patterns and is extremely comfortable and safe. You may see many varieties out there, but this one is a hands down favorite. Most sling wearers I know swear by this one. I got mine online, and you can get one at (link coming soon)