Attached Mama Positive Discipline Page |
Positive discipline is an art form and a lifestyle choice. It's too easy to
spank or to arbitrarily send a child to his or her room when they make
mistakes. It's more difficult, yet far more rewarding in the long and short
term, to find alternative methods of discipline that both teach the child
and maintain a loving, respectful atmosphere in the home. Now I will admit this is a tough one. Sometimes kids do things that just set us off. Sometimes it seems they do things just TO set us off! But we have to remember that we are our childrens teachers as far as anger management and conflict resolution. If we are out of control, we're not teaching them how to properly deal with anger and negative feelings. I will come out and admit that this is is a tough one for me especially. I wasn't taught anger management or conflict resolution. I was taught you yell and/or you hit. Many people of my generation may have been taught the same thing. Yes, I have anger issues. Intellectually I know that hitting and yelling can be detrimental, but in the midst of an angry outburst it's hard to remember. When we first had Gage I promised myself I would not spank, I would not hit. Because I know my limitations, and I know with my pre-existing anger issues it might get out of hand. I know this about myself, so I made that promise. I think the important thing here is to realize where you come from, what your lessons were concerning anger. Once you understand your issues, if you have them, you can more easily set groundrules as far as your discipline style.
Some of the tools I've used and have seen used with good results: On this topic I highly recommend Kids, Parents and Power Struggles by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. It's a fabulous book with many ideas and discussion on the underlying motivators to kids behaviors. I also really liked How To Talk So Your Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Your Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Maizlish. It's a great book with tons of ideas for communicating effectively with your kids. Again, do all the methods work like a charm? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And some of these books pertain to older kids, but it's helpful to get into good habits early on so I still recommend the books to all parents. Faber?Maizlish also wrote Siblings Without Rivalry which is excellent for those sibling battles that sometimes commence.
Positive discipline is simply respectful; and you know how I feel about
respect! You use discipline that helps the child grow and learn about
themselves and the world around them; you help them name their feelings and
deal with them. You make your child feel honored and valued by dealing with
them respectfully; in all areas, but in discipline most definitely.
As with anything, there are no hard and fast rules or guidelines to follow
with positive discipline. There are books to guide you, but you must make
the final decision about which tools you choose to use. |
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