Faye Everett - 12/09/00 19:19:51
My Email:saddeverett@aol.com
Where are you from?: Lima Ohio
How did you find me?: searching
Margaret - 11/02/00 04:57:12
My URL:/bluegumtrees/index.html
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find me?: recipe web ring
great recipes and pages - enjoyed my visit *S*
Sandy - 09/21/00 12:35:44
My URL:http://www.sandyscountryflavors.com
My Email:countryflavors@aol.com
Where are you from?: Fl
How did you find me?: links page
Loved your site great recipes and I love the way you designed it
Sandra - 09/19/00 01:22:18
My Email:Rufuslaw@aol.com
Where are you from?: California
How did you find me?: Just browsing the web
looks like a great place
Wanda - 09/15/00 01:24:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/othello45/
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
School Violence, I know of a good website to help, it's at http://www.geocities.com/pca_wi/
JD (Jerry for Short) - 08/27/00 14:11:36
My URL:http://www.netpathway.com/~jdmason
My Email:jdmason@netpathway.com
Where are you from?: Shubuta, Mississippi
How did you find me?: Got hungry
WEll, spank my behind. Gee girl, when you came over and signed my guest book it took me by surprise. Long time no hear. Thanks for coming by. Yeah, need to upgrade my pictures. Got Hair? Let it grow back. And yes, all kids have gotten bigger excep
for Leah. She got a few years to catch up. Only reason we haven't a upgraded picture it is hard to get us together for a group picture. Everyone is growing up and going their own way. Well, til then... JD
; ) wink wink
Diva Devoir ~Unique~ - 08/22/00 13:34:56
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org\
My Email:whisper@divinediva.org,divinity@divinediva.org
Where are you from?: Divine Divas of the Web
How did you find me?: surfed on in
Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to
visit our website, Divine Divas
of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might
have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization.
Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance,
you will receive a personalized membership logo to place on your
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding
solace together, We stand as One.
You have a very nice site here. Keep up the Wonderful work! May God bless you in all your work.
Dinky - 08/19/00 20:45:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wolf_eyes_1999/
My Email:lynn19@home.com
Where are you from?: you tell me you brought me here
How did you find me?: we're not sure lol
Hello mom Just came for a visit to see if you had the recipe for your dip ( the best dip in the world ) I was going to make it for you while you were gone but it is not here WHY NOT??? lol
ne ways love ya see ya later alligator
chuck4u - 08/06/00 20:13:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/flame/index.html
My Email:country650@mailcity.com
Where are you from?: Alabama
How did you find me?: another guestbook
Hi just drop in for a little visit..You have a nice page here keep up the good work...If you have time drop by for a visit and see my garden and ham radios..
You have a wonderful place here! Lots to see and enjoy. Thank-You.Please drop my place on the web. Also I would like to invite you to visit a new Ladies club on the web. Let us know you were there and if you like we would be happy to have a new member. Ju
t click on banner below. Thank-You
Now Summers here and through the night,
we'll dust your site with all our might.
we'll vote for you and stand by your side,
In The Site Fights internet wide.
So show your Spirit and Shout it out,
Come on don't hide it let it out !
katherine - 06/06/00 03:55:18
My URL:/kattheryn.geo/
Where are you from?: Canada and Chile
How did you find me?: Top 100 Canadaian sites
You have a perfectly wonderful site here! I thoroughly enjoyed navigating through all the wonderful pages. Please consider this an invitation to visit my country home on th eweb. I just love making new friends!
Thelma Haselton - 04/12/00 12:24:20
My Email:u1st4rsh@iwon.com
Where are you from?: Boulder City, Nv.
How did you find me?: Browsing
Headlines leave out so much--the heartbreak of the parents of those two boys is so often ignored--in most instances they are considered ogres. As a mother of 12 and having one of those 12 that lives with lots and lots of ghosts in his past, I can emphath
ze with those poor parents. You can't help but wonder just where you went wrong and what you didn't hear when they were small.. Thanks so much for reminding us. Can I reprint your message?
Thelma Haselton 1314 Yucca St. Boulder City, Nv. 89005
DDTamiSue - 04/07/00 23:04:58
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:DDTamiSue@aol.com
How did you find me?: a friend
Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.
I am sitting here drooling. The Strawberry Cream Pie looks so delicious. I wrote it and the "Foot in the fire" chocolate cake down so I could try them out. You've got some really really great recipes and if possible I would like to get a banner from yo
to place on my site. I think you have a great site and would like to link to you.
Thanks - Chez Mike
Sue - 03/31/00 02:26:29
My URL:http://home.flash.net/~casinos/index.html
My Email:casinos@flash.net
Where are you from?: Texas
How did you find me?: Another guestbook
Comments: I've really enjoyed my visit to your site and want
to congratulate you on a page well done.I would love to have you
visit with me when you have a chance.Keep up the good work.Sue
Kimberly Brewer - 03/08/00 01:20:19
My Email:Kimberly1123@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Kentucky
How did you find me?: "no bake Cookies "
I love your site!!! I droole at the of thought of all of the wonderful food.
Joe Comiskey - 03/01/00 22:12:15
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~joecomiskey
My Email:jcomiskey@krypto.net
Where are you from?: Western Massachusetts
A great looking site. If you get the chance, please visit me at my place. If perchance you have visited me previously, please take notice of my new URL and update your Bookmarks or Favorites lists accordingly.
You have some great recipes! And I'm not finished looking! Thanks!
Hal (Chandos Wolf) - 02/25/00 15:55:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ChandosWolf/index.html
My Email:chandoswolf@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
How did you find me?: You sent me an E-Mail
Hi Donna:
I really enjoyed my visit to your Home page and site. I enjoyed the pictures of your family, and your links pages. I wish you continued success, and I will definitely be back to visit again. Your website friend, Hal (Chandos Wolf)
micah - 02/17/00 22:29:53
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/micahtx
this is a great site!
Melinda - 02/13/00 02:06:48
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Ms_Juliet/melindaswebring.htm
My Email:mburgoon@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Missouri
How did you find me?: webring
Hi there! I am a member of Housework Sucks! and I just wanted to drop in and say hello :-) You have a great site here, I really enjoyed my visit.
carolyn joyce - 02/05/00 20:59:28
My Email:dwb0415@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: reidsville
How did you find me?: internet address book
Lita Trace - 01/21/00 14:00:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashivlle/1407/
My Email:ltrace@knology.net
Where are you from?: Augusta GA USA
How did you find me?: Grandparents Webring
You have a wonderful site. I voted for you! Visit me when you have time.
Fairy Beadific - 01/21/00 05:31:32
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:browns@intplsrv.net
Where are you from?: DRealm of the Fairies
How did you find me?: Fairy Circle
~*~In Love & Light...Lady Vixen~*~
Tammi - 01/18/00 06:35:20
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/designitall
Where are you from?: Texas
How did you find me?: another guestbook
Hello there Donna, I have had a great time visiting your homepage here. I did take the promise banner and add it to my site and my daughters class web site. I work at a school and plan on giving them the address to get involed .thank you for getting the w
rd out on such a sad thing. Kid should not have to worry about these types of things..
Take Care...Tammi
Dawn - 01/10/00 19:41:45
My URL:http://jdaweb.com/dawnie/garden/
My Email:dawnie@jdaweb.com
Where are you from?: USA
How did you find me?: Webring
This is a really interesting website. Neat graphics. Deborah Oney, Blood Recall/Withdrawal - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
Adrian Mathews - 01/03/00 03:39:46
My URL:http://www.iwr.com/free/
My Email:webmaster@iwr.com
Where are you from?: Oregon
How did you find me?: Webring
Hello, you have a nice web site do come by and visit us. Learn why reciprocal linking gains
you a better listing in search engines and additional traffic! FREE Contest & More!
Sign our guestbook. God Bless.
Sheryl aka Thyme - 11/30/99 11:46:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/quaco/index.html
Where are you from?: Australia by way of Canada
How did you find me?: Signing another book
ROSE - 10/30/99 11:10:19
Where are you from?: DUBLIN IRELANDEX
How did you find me?: EXHIBITION
RICH TEES - 10/21/99 23:11:59
My Email:RTee696007@cs.com
Where are you from?: trenton nj
How did you find me?: from the top 100 recipe sites
Sue - 10/16/99 00:40:16
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~casinos/index.html
My Email:casinos@flash.net
Where are you from?: Texas
Comments: I've really enjoyed my visit to your site and want
to congratulate you on a page well done.I would love to have you
visit with me when you have a chance.Keep up the good work.Sue
Aunt Runner - 10/05/99 20:05:03
My URL:http://www.auntrunnersrecipes.com
My Email:mccarver@21stcomm.com
Where are you from?: Enid, Oklahoma
How did you find me?: Aunt Runner's Top 50 Recipe Sites
Hi! After you joined the Top 50 Recipe Sites I wanted to come and visit your site. I have enjoyed it sooo much! I even took the I.Q. Test! I can't wait to try your Oatmeal Cookie Recipe..you have a wonderful website..it has such a 'homey' feeling to it! K
ep up the good work!!
Gotta Run!!
Aunt Runner
Joe Comiskey - 10/03/99 23:35:46
My URL:http://www.array.org/~comiskey
My Email:jcomiskey@krypto.net
Where are you from?: Western MA
How did you find me?: Through a Web Ring
Hi There,
It's been a while since I have taken a cyber-tour to visit all of the great recipe sites on the web. As you can see, today I made it to your site. Great work.
If you get a chance, come by and visit me at my site. Don't forget to sign my guest book while you are there. If you like what you see, please don't keep it a secret; tell everyone that you know.
Hello from The Setterstrom's. You have a wonderful site. We really enjoyed our visit and peeking around. Have a great day!
Stephanie - 09/15/99 20:16:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/2812
My Email:roxygenie66@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Here
How did you find me?: It's a long story...
What a cute site! The hearts are very nice...I
haven't looked at any of the sites on here yet but
I think I'm going to go take the IQ test...he he
what a great way to wreck my self esteem. Well I'm
going to stop blabbing now..hope you come stop by
my site one day. Thanks and bye bye. Oh yeah have
a nice day
Karen Johnson Chohrach - 09/08/99 15:01:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/ka_johnson_chohrach/kfind.html
My Email:karen_chohrach@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Houston, TX USA
How did you find me?: webring
Nice site. I have a great affection for Canada. My website has stories and useful links for traveling to Lake of the Woods in Western Ontario - check it out!
Best regards,
Fairy Jasmine - 09/03/99 06:46:18
My Email:jessicar@ihug.co.nz
Where are you from?: Christchurch New Zealand
How did you find me?: You gave me the address!
Hi! What a wonderful page you have! Good luck and don't for get to shout it out!
redsabel - 08/28/99 13:08:58
My Email:redsabel@aol.com
Where are you from?: missouri
How did you find me?: from paul
great receipes thanks for the site
LadyJ - 08/26/99 00:35:49
My URL:http://www.ladyj.nu
My Email:jgood@mis.net
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Hi LadyBlueWolf...I love the new look!! You've done a wonderful job here. I love watching as someone learns. The results are amazing! Good job.
Susan CONDRA - 08/25/99 19:05:53
My Email:scondra@ucsd.edu
Where are you from?: San Diego, CALIFORNIA
How did you find me?: Friend sent me the site.....
Lady Karima - 08/25/99 13:48:43
My URL:http://www.goldenmoon.org
My Email:founders@ladyredrose.com
Where are you from?: The Stars
How did you find me?: A friend
The founders of Sisters of the Golden Moon, wish to formally launch our
group with an invitation to visit our site at: http://www.goldenmoon.org.
We invite you to visit our Universe and become acquainted with our exclusive
Sisters of the Golden Moon, is fashioned in a celestial theme consisting
of Our Universe which encompasses all members. We believe every female is
a star in her own right and we have chosen the title Star for all members.
Stars form constellations and we have formed four constellations for your
Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site and consider
supporting Sisters of the Golden Moon, with your exclusive membership. We
promise to proclaim you a star sister and have a program in place which
we feel will enhance your online realm. We have assorted activities for
you to align with in the form of Constellations.
Please give us your comments on Sisters of the Golden Moon, ... we're interested
in your first impression and we are open for suggestions!
Lipstick & LadyRedRo§e
Founders, Sisters of the Golden Moon,
O'siyo Hoots! Wonderful recipes....very mouth watering....when ya get a chance, drop by my WolfMates Page....We are a new pack that r trying to get more traffic to some very sick children's sites so that people can leave them well wishes on their journey.
..Donada'govi! Full moon is coming....Keep howling!
Be sure to Visit, Click on the title.
Yummy Recipes bud, I have sent them to one of my friends that loves to cook. See you online.
Bill - 08/24/99 00:10:20
My Email:microphiche@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: your house
How did you find me?: I turned my head and there you was der
Doing really great keep up the good work and keep smiling.
I also want to thank you for all that you have done and sacrificed for me, my eternal love goes to you mom. Your little William.
Jana and Yogi - 08/06/99 08:01:19
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/countrybits/countrybits2.html
My Email:yogi@glacierweb-bc.com
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find me?: surfed
Loved your recipes...........best wishes from Jana and Yogi.
Wow, your site is tremendous! Thanks for sharing, such a wonderful mix here of things to explore! You have done a lot of really super work, good navigation, graphics, layout everything! **S**
THANKS for a super visit~ have you "marked" to return again. Smooth Paths.
Genevie - 08/05/99 17:47:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/everydayfun
My Email:genevie@fcmail.com
Where are you from?: Copperas Cove, TX
How did you find me?: viewing another guestbook
You have a great webpage here. Everything is so well-organized and wonderfully put together. Keep up the good work. I had a great visit -thanx :o)
Angela - 08/04/99 01:26:10
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com
Where are you from?: Victoria BC
How did you find me?: Wolf pack?
Great site and i bookmarked the stopping school violence thanks.
Comments: Comments:
Donna/BizzeeB Craft Newsletter - 07/20/99 23:34:14
My Email:BizzeB@aol.com
Where are you from?: New York
How did you find me?: webring
Please e-mail us for a sample issue. I enjoyed your site.
Leslie - 06/30/99 13:36:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1462
My Email:dovemom@n-jcenter.com
Where are you from?: Florida
How did you find me?: Grandparents Web Ring Newsletter
Hi Donna!
Your site is beautiful and I enjoyed my visit. I will have to come back and check out the recipes page!
Thanks for the visit, and......
Hi there. Nice pages. Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the Grandparents WebRing.
Fairy Owl - 06/30/99 04:53:51
just checking
Joanie - 06/30/99 04:37:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/joanyle/index.html
My Email:danciee@bigfoot.com
Where are you from?: Puyallup, Washington
How did you find me?: Grandparents RIng
You have a nice web page. I am hoping you will visit mine too. The link up
above is for my personal page and the banner i am adding is my prayer web
page . . I really enjoyed my visit to your
page... danciee aka Joanie
Grandpa Chuck - 06/30/99 03:15:17
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ChuckBio/web.htm
My Email:grandpachuck@usa.net
Where are you from?: Holland Michigan USA
How did you find me?: Grandparents' Web Ring
Comments: Comments: GwinnaAngel Head of the Welcoming Committee<
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Lovely web site. Enjoyed my visit and look forward to a visit to all your sites.
GwinnaAngel - 06/17/99 12:51:04
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~ameliaruth/
My Email:Gwinna_Angel@youngwriters.zzn.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find me?: Inner Dreams
Welcome to Inner Dreams! Thank you for joining such a worthy cause!
Yer Bud again - 06/07/99 05:45:11
My URL:/Heartland/7673
My Email:pantech@bmts.com
Where are you from?: your old stomping ground
How did you find me?: known you for eons
Yummy page, got to try all those recipes. You were always the best cook around. Luv yer bud
Yer Bud again - 06/07/99 05:44:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7673
My Email:pantech@bmts.com
Where are you from?: your old stomping ground
How did you find me?: known you for eons
Yummy page, got to try all those recipes. You were always the best cook around. Luv yer bud
Yer Bud again - 06/07/99 05:41:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7673
My Email:pantech@bmts.com
Where are you from?: your old stomping ground
How did you find me?: known you for eons
Yummy page, got to try all those recipes. You were always the best cook around. Luv yer bud
Yer Bud again - 06/07/99 05:41:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7673
My Email:pantech@bmts.com
Where are you from?: your old stomping ground
How did you find me?: known you for eons
Yummy page, got to try all those recipes. You were always the best cook around. Luv yer bud
Lady Jewell - 06/03/99 22:58:47
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:fairy_jewell@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: DFairy's Realm
How did you find me?: I have my eye on you :)
Dearest Fairy Owl, what a beautiful page to celebrate 3 obviously very special Dads. I know they meant so much to you, and you must miss them terribly. I can tell you, that those three Dads raised a very special Fairy in you!! You a certainly a blessin
to me, and always brighten my day! Thank you for that ~ Much Love Always ~
Lady Jewell - 06/03/99 22:58:33
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:fairy_jewell@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: DFairy's Realm
How did you find me?: I have my eye on you :)
Dearest Fairy Owl, what a beautiful page to celebrate 3 obviously very special Dads. I know they meant so much to you, and you must miss them terribly. I can tell you, that those three Dads raised a very special Fairy in you!! You a certainly a blessin
to me, and always brighten my day! Thank you for that ~ Much Love Always ~
Lady Jewell - 06/03/99 22:53:39
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:fairy_jewell@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: DFairy's Realm
How did you find me?: I have my eye on you :)
Dearest Fairy Owl, what a beautiful page to celebrate 3 obviously very special Dads. I know they meant so much to you, and you must miss them terribly. I can tell you, that those three Dads raised a very special Fairy in you!! You a certainly a blessin
to me, and always brighten my day! Thank you for that ~ Much Love Always ~
Trish - 05/31/99 14:08:11
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~tinyt/index.html
My Email:tinyt@flash.net
Where are you from?: Tx
How did you find me?: a friend
Comments: Me and my little critter friend tip our hats to you in recognition of your excellent page.Keep up the good work and thank you for allowing us to visit.Hugs,Trish and the critter
Trish - 05/31/99 14:07:59
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~tinyt/index.html
My Email:tinyt@flash.net
Where are you from?: Tx
How did you find me?: a friend
Comments: Me and my little critter friend tip our hats to you in recognition of your excellent page.Keep up the good work and thank you for allowing us to visit.Hugs,Trish and the critter
Carol - 05/26/99 19:41:36
My URL:http://home.hiwaay.net/~mm
My Email:mm@hiwaay.net
Where are you from?: Alabama
How did you find me?: webring
Debi - 05/21/99 15:20:16
My URL:http://www.debisplace.com
My Email:AWP@medford.net
Where are you from?: So. Oregon
How did you find me?: You kind invitation
Hello, Donna! Thanks for inviting me to your wonderful home. I have thoroughly enjoyed wandering your pages. *smile* Thanks for sharing your passions. This is obviously a labor of love, and you have created a delightful place to hide out in! I will
top in often. Would love to have one of your creative cakes for my B.D. on Monday, but I don't think it would survive the mail! :-( Thanks, again. ~Debi~
Cheryl Baker - 04/27/99 15:48:41
My URL:http://www.iaml.net/~mamabear/index.html
My Email:mamabear@iaml.net
Where are you from?: Moses Lake, WA
How did you find me?: Signed my Guestbook
What a lovely tribute to those souls in Colorado! We here in Moses Lake can sympathize and empathize with them! These are such sad times for our children, having to live through and suffer from another child's pain.
Gemini 1947 - 04/26/99 17:27:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/6806/index.html
My Email:finnwilliams@canada.com
Where are you from?: Northern BC Canada
How did you find me?: from you girl
Alana & Clayton Taylor - 04/25/99 02:59:40
My Email:ctaylor@echo-on.net
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada.
How did you find me?: You sent it to me. (he he)
Great web page! It is important to remember all of the victims, and pray for them. Not only those who lost there lives from this horrible tragity, But those who have to deal with all the pain of losing a loved one. My prayers are with them.
~Spider Angel - 04/23/99 05:53:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6794
My Email:gjflash@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Colorado
How did you find me?: (*&*) we know ya hon
Oh what a precious and touchin' job you have done......I can not speak for the families or children from Littleton but can only say that my heart has been so touched by this and all the out pour of all the people all across the country and the world with
heir out put of prayers and support........Is so sad that it has to take such a tradgey to bring the whole nation together bonded by love of the heart............We love you from our heart to yours.............~Spidey
Donna - 04/23/99 05:47:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/2097/
I created this page for all the victims.My cyber firends bless they're hearts. I couldn't have done it without they're help. I am no good with words and they really know how to get the message out. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart. God Bless.
Dawna-Joe - 04/20/99 09:37:03
My Email:dumpy@idirect.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find me?: I Know Where You Live !!!
Dawna-Joe - 04/20/99 09:33:41
My Email:dumpy@idirect.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find me?: I Know Where You Live !!!
Allyn - 04/19/99 00:31:32
My Email:polrbear@idirect.com
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find me?: surfed in!
Lookin' good so far.