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- Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church Youth Program -

Welcome to the "ABOUT US" section of the site. This page is here to let you know what the Youth have been up to and what their plans are for the near future. This page is not ONLY for Youth but for the Congregation and Community. Please visit us often!

Mission Statement:

Recently, the youth have gotten a new mission statement describing why our youth ministy exists. Here is what the statement says:
Reach: Non Believers
Connect: Christian Youth
Praise: God in all we do
Grow: In faith
Discover: Our Gifts
Share: God with others
This statement was created by the Youth Board, and is to represent our program.

Our Youth Program:

The Objectives of our Ministry consist of:
  • Emphasizing awareness of what youth ministy is and to be more intentional about involving parents in our youth ministry.
  • To connect with the youth through phone calls, e-mails, letters, postcards, and most importantly personal contact.
  • Make it a priority to be involved in developing relationships with the youth on a regular basis.
  • To intentionally and through the help of the Holy Spirit move the youth up the ladder of the Youth Ministry Mission.
  • Develop several opportunities for youth to move up the ladder.
  • Focus more on service projects and mission trips that last all year or on a regular basis.
  • Finish discussion on the book, "Purpose Driven Youth Ministry."

    Servent Events/Retreats/Fundraisers:

  • Youth Fundraiser;
    The Pop Machine located at the left end of the Education Wing is fully run by the Youth Program. The Youth run and opperate it as an ongoing fundraiser and also collect cans in the box(s) next to it as a fundraiser also. Help Support the YOUTH!

  • Youth Fundraiser;
    The Doughnuts located in the Parish Hall on the kitchen overhang is fully run by the Youth Program. The Youth run the Doughnut/Bagel/and Juice stand every week as an on going fundraiser. THANK YOU for Supporting the Youth!

    Our Director of Youth Ministy/Youth Leader:

    Eric K. Brei is the Youth Director at Shepherd of the Lakes. He has done many productive things with our church and around our community. More to come on this section soon.


    Shepherd of the Lakes offers a Confirmation program for 6th 7th and 8th graders, also known as years 1, 2, and 3 of confirmation. Year 1 is taught by DCE Eric Brei. Year 2 is taught by Pastor Frank Graves. And Year 3 is taught by Paster Paul Werner.
    To learn more about our Confirmation Program visit our Youth
  • Confirmation Page.

    Youth Board & Youth Representatives:

    Our Board members on the Youth Board are:
    Mark Bates
    Judy Cash
    Chuck Cova
    Jan Doke
    Sandy Hoffman
    Dieter Lehnert
    Jim Lesher
    Brenda McCarty
    Barb McConnell
    Kathy McKinnie
    Tom Prochaska
    Richard Shaw
    Bob Tarrant

    Our Youth Representatives on the Youth Board are:
    Eric Brackmann - Jr. High M
    Erik Hellmuth - Sr. High M
    Katie McDowell - Jr. High F
    ***** ******** - Sr. High F

    *-note: Sr. High Female has not been picked yet.

    Parent Invovlement, Help, and Volunteers:

    Many parents ask how they personally can help out with our Youth Program at SOTL. Well in fact, there are many ways! You can help by being a volunteer driver for an event, you can also volunteer to bring food/snacks to a lock in/youth gathering/ or event. Also, if you feel that you want to lead a Small Group, You can host a small youth gathering at your house or at the church. These are just a few of the Many ways to be a parent Volunteer. To learn how to participate more;
  • E-mail Eric Brei.
  • or Fill out the contact form with your question.

    Bible Study's Offered:

    Currently there are two bible studys offered to SOTL Youth. One for Jr. Highers (6-8 grades) and one for Sr. Highers (9-12 grades). The Jr. High Class starts at 9:45 a.m., and is taught in the Youthroom by Tom Prochaska. The Sr. High Class starts at 11:15 a.m., and is taught in the Youthroom by Eric Brei. Both Jr. and Sr. Highers are strongly encouraged to attend!


    Our Youthroom is a very important part of our program. It is where most of our Bible study's are held and serves as a place for youth to hang out and socialize, as well as learn about GOD. The youthroom is located in the Education Wing and is the first set of double doors on your right (if you are coming from the main church hallway). There is a computer there that is for any youth to use freely for any thing, leisure or school.
  • If you have any comments to make on the Youthroom E-mail Eric Brei.
  • or Fill out the Contact Form.

    About the Editor:

    The Youth web-site is created and edited by SOTL member Jason Cash. Jason has been the editor of the site since it's begining over two years ago. Jason's work is totally voluntary and he enjoys what he does. He is always learning new things and trying out new proceedures and ways of doing things on the web. "I really like how the site is set up," says Cash, "I hope to really get the word out about it not only to the Youth but also to the congregation and Community so that they can know what we are doing."
    Contact Jason

    You can contact Jason by either E-mailing him, or filling out the Contact Form.

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