Family Histories
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Caine Memories


Sometimes you get lucky and find a person with either the verbal or written version of your family history.  Listed on the left are a few of those finds.

The Almstrong family story was  retold to me by "lost" cousins.  Thanks guys!  The memories of the Caine family were written down and submitted for a church collection.  I was lucky enough to receive a copy of them.  

This is the oral and written history of who I am.  I treasure both of these stories as the last member of my Mom's generation has now passed away.  I find myself in the unique position of being one of the elders of my family. With this web site I'll try to retell the legacy to the next generation of my family.  (Of course, my method of sharing will be the information highway.)  Besides, when the school assignment for the family tree is issued to my three daughters, I'll have done "my" homework!

Please enjoy my families memories,



Beth .

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