Chudilowsky Family's Home Page

"Look! Now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2

~ Chudilowsky Family's Page ~

Welcome to Nick, Tina, Dean & Kye's Web Page!

~~A little information about us~~

We are Jehovah's witnesses. We live in Bakersfield, California. (USA)

We attend the Highland Park congregation.

We enjoy our preaching work and our study of the Bible together as a family.

Nick and I were married Dec-13-1997.

Nick has been dedicated for over 25 years. I have been dedicated since Nov-12-1988. We have three children.

~Our Son Dean Dunbar who is 16. Dean's Page.

~Our Son Kye Dunbar who is 13.Kye's Page.

And ~Our Daughter Ashley Chudilowsky who is 5.

Then theres ~Our Dog. Cocoa's Page.

My Mom Josie, who lives close to us,
let me make her a page also.

Check out ~Josie's Page.

We live in Bakersfield, Ca.

You can check out our paper..

Bakersfield Californian News Paper.

Continue reading through our family's different pages. We hope you enjoy them...

Here's a little information about Nick.
and Nick's work Nicks work place.

Here are a few other sites on the Web that our family enjoys.

~Oldfield Family's Page~


~Hamster Dance~

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