
Poem written by Keith as he travelled cross country

The Road, brother
Memories of New Orleans
Loud and blaring
The taste, still strong in my mouth
Tomorrow and a tank of gas
Another time and place
A roadside I've never seen before
Cactus standing at attention
My cigarette burns to the filter
The pain reminds me of home
Aimless and cruising
Looking for something
avoiding familiar potholes
I'd driven this path too many times
Now, home is forward
A place in the sun
The past behind me
Quietly wrestling
Trying to bleed into today
Sometimes, I pray for the warmth it gives
Other times I feel damned
to repeat it
Snubbing out my cigarette
Sun streaking purple
Dusk in the desert
There is nowhere I'd rather be.

Keith and his angel Lisa
Great looking couple huh? Happy too

Mr and Mrs Archambault as of April 3rd 2002

"A Most Important Memory"

The thing that I remember the most about Keith, is the lesson he taught me that influenced my relationship with people my entire adult life. Can't remember exactly what the item was, but he was saving a redeemable coupon for a childs gift from a cereal company. He had left it on the counter and while cleaning, I threw it away. When he asked where it was, I told him what I had done and that it was probably just junk anyhow. He looked me straight in the eyes, through tear filled eyes and said: "Dad, it may not have been important to you, junk or not, it was very important to me". "WOW, Those were probably the most powerful words that ever influenced how I've tried to be sensitive to people and not judge what is and is not important to them. Thanks Keith

See more picture in Keith's and Lisa's Album

Pictures of Lisa and Keith's Wedding

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