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At a Vestry held Feb 6th 1732
  Present.  Mr. Robertson Minister, Mr. George Willson, Collo Bolling, Captn Munford, Mr. Robert Bevell, Captn Fisher, Mr. Field, Captn Poythress, Mr. Pr Jones.
  Order'd that Doctr Thompson be pd 424 Tobo for his care and Buriall of Arther Mcclain and that the Collector charge the Same in his accompt.  Ord. that James Sturdivant be pd 30 Tobo for a Levy overcharged last year.  Ord. that John Barrett an Orphan Boy be bound to Captn James Munford as the law directs.
  It is agreed by the Vestry that the Chappel order'd for the convenience of the upper Inhabitants of this Parish be built on or near Mr. Samuel Cobbs land on flat Creek.  And that the persons appointed by the order of the Vestry the 15th day of October 1730 meet at Nummisseen Chappel on Saturday the 17th Instant to agree with workmen for building the Same in Current Money and report their proceedings to the next Vestry.
  Order'd that James Gallimore an orphan be bound to Robert Tucker Jur as the Law directs.  Order'd that Ann Gallimore be bound to John Bradshaw as the Law directs or married.  Order'd that Samuel Gallimore be bound to Robert Coleman as the Law directs.  Order'd that Elisabeth Gallimore be bound to John Tucker.  Order'd that Elionar Gallimore be bound to David Ellington.  Order'd that Wm. Gallimore be bound to Captn John Bevell.  Order'd Isham Cleaton be bound to Charles Clay.  Order'd that Wm. Burgess be bound to Captn John Coleman.  Order'd that Esther Floyd be bound to George Tucker.

Test                   Jno.  Mayes    Clerk Vestry.    





Date Comment


1811 James Watkins reported to this Monthly Meeting that he had taken from him $3.75 cash for militia fines, taken by Benjamin Bratcher 1, pg. 143
1811 Reuben Watkins had taken from him by Benjamin Bratcher, $2.50 for militia fines 1, pg. 143




Rocky River Baptist Church
1828 Membership List, Primative Baptist Church

Allen Bracher
Sarah Bracher



Source Description
1 Quaker Monthly Meeting Book at the Bedford County Museum, Bedford, VA
2 Transcription, Madison Co., AR Genealogical & Historical Society Library, Madison County, Arkansas: Submitted by Ben Bratcher

3 The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-1789; Transcribed by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne; Richmond, VA; Privately Printed, 1898.