What is Key Club?
Key Club is the largest high school organization devoted to providing service
to communities. Through our work, we gain experience in the areas of leadership,
responsibility, and teamwork. Worldwide, there are 186,965 members, 4512
clubs, 31 districts, and participation in 19 countries.
Club History
The first Key Club was sponsored in May 1925 at Sacramento High School
in California by the Kiwanis club of Sacramento. The original concept was
to develop a vocational guidance program aimed to combat the problems of
student fraternities. From this evolved the idea of a service organization
for the home, school and community. The idea slowly spread throughout the
country and by 1939, Florida had a sufficient number of Key Clubs
functioning to hold a state convention and form a district. Other districts
followed Florida's lead, and finally in 1943, a national organization was
started. In 1946 the first club in Canada was formed. Also, to establish
a strong foundation, the Key Club International Constitution and Bylaws
were adopted during that same year. In October of 1947, the
California-Nevada-Hawaii District was formed and had its first convention
the following year in Oakland, CA. As time passes, Key Club International
continues to grow at an astounding rate. Today there are clubs in
Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Netherlands
Antilles, Philippines, Taiwan, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and the
United States, Colombia, Bermuda, Panama, and New Caledonia.
Key Club Pledge:
I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International;
to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God and
combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Key Club Objectives:
- To develop initiative and leadership.
- To provide experience in living and working together.
- To serve the school and community.
- To cooperate with the school principal.
- To prepare for useful citizenship.
- To accept and promote the following ideals:
- To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the
materials values of life.
- To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
- To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship,
sportsmanship, and social contacts.
- To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive,
and serviceable citizenship.
- To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships,
to render unselfish service, and to build better communities.
- To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public
opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness,
justice, patriotism, and good will.
What does a member do?
No, we do not make keys! We reach out in service and provide
for those in need. There are several ways that Key Club is able to
accomplish its objectives. One way is by service projects that provide
for the community; such as a neighborhood clean-up, working with able and
mentally challenged children, tutoring elementary school students,
visiting convalescent homes, beach cleanups, canned food drives, clothing
drives, toy drives, "adopt a family," helping out in soup kitchens,
aiding the homeless, doing a graffiti clean-up, etc. We also spread
the ideas and Pediatric Trauma, IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorder), and many
others. Fund raising for organizations is a great way for Key Club to get
involved in worldwide affairs. Key Club also strengthens the “individual”
through the interactions through out the Key Club year. Key Clubbers will
learn necessary skills needed for everyday life.
Why should I join?
-Service to your home, school, and community
-Leadership skills
-Build self-esteem
-Interaction with community
-Interactng with other high schools
-Meeting new and interesting people
-Having fun
-Making a difference
Key Club Motto:
The Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club Disrict Motto is "Service, we deliver" while
the Key Club International's motto is "Caring, Our Way of Life." Through
Key Club's work in the home, school, and community, Key Clubbers have
learned that their organization is built around the concept of caring,
Key Club will continue to be an effective and contributing organization
in our homes, schools and communities.
California - Nevada - Hawaii Cheers:
CNH Bee Cheer:
From the east to the west, you know we are the best.
We're the district with the sting, and that's why we sing!
We're the bees. Buzz! Buzz!
We're the bees. Buzz! Buzz!
It's all about the party hardy CNH bees!
CNH Cheer:
Cali-Nev-Ha! Cali-Nev-Ha! Abooga, Booga, Booga, HA! HA! HA! |