Hi! My name is Tommy. Welcome to my home on the web and thankyou so very much for coming by! Please make yourself at home and don't hesitate to copy anything you may want. None of it was ever mine, anyway. My site is intended to be primarily focused on us dads and moms, and our children who are hurting ...being abused and abandoned by angry (also hurting) alcoholic parents. That's not an attack. I am one of these parents. But before I go any farther, please allow me to say that this is a Christian web site and that I believe in a very practical, working Christianity, not 'silver platters'. Not to imply anything, but if you or someone you know is an angry alcoholic, it's very likely there'll be no relief (much less a cure) in prayer, alone. It's gonna take work, hard work and lots of it. I know if I can do it, anyone can! A person has to believe in his or herself. God believes in us: Why else would He give us so many chances? WE need to believe in us!
          Consider what a child welfare agent for the state of Louisiana told me some time ago: She said, "Mr. Tommy, you don't have an alcohol problem, ...you have a personality problem." She was right! After I fixed me, the alcohol went away.

"Never let the sense of past failure defeat your next step."

Below , you'll find the titles to my pages and a brief description of each. You may click on a title and go to the corresponding page. Although, to assist you in conveniently navigating the remainder of my site you'll find, at the bottom of each page, a link to a plain text 'page index' that will download just about as fast as any jump-box will open. Well, I won't bore you with anymore introductions. Please enjoy your visit - and please, come back soon!

Oh -- I forgot to tell you: My pages are tested in all resolutions and with multiple browsers (even on an old 486DX-66 generic computer). So, they should be comfortably viewable with anything you're using.

Parents' Alcoholism: Killing Our Own Kids!This is my main page. It's a sad occasion, when a father spends twenty-five years of his life in selfish pursuance of his own lusts; neglecting, abusing and abandoning his very own family only to experience a transformation just in time to witness his children (all grown up) trudging and stumbling aimlessly - almost hopelessly - through life, ...faceless, fearful; not knowing who they are or where they're going.
God have mercy on me - For, I knew exactly what I was doing all along, ...and didn't care!
A Little About MeThat's all it is. I haven't even begun, yet. There's so much to share in so little time!
My Favorite MinistriesThese are links to the websites of some powerful men of God that never, ever steered me wrong.
Crickets & CandlelightNighttime is a time for rest and relaxation, a time to let go and recharge. And it's very soothing to know you're at peace with yourself as well as the rest of the world. This collection of thoughts may be helpful in sorting out some uncomfortable feelings.
Certainty As The Cure For AngerThis is sort of a mini-workshop. Even the most violent anger can be controlled.
A Checklist For FathersThey say "hindsight is always 20/20." For those of you not familiar with that saying: You know the song, "I Can See Clearly Now"? - Yep! - Now! After all the damage has been done and I look back, I can see everything, now; all of my mistakes, shortcomings, slothfulness, ...etc. But I have today. And with every today that I have, I'm going to love my precious Linda; and I'm going to love my children; and I'm going to do every positive thing I can to make every today a beautiful yesterday, rather than a shameful regret.
The Secret Of True HappinessThere is a difference between 'fun' and 'happiness'.
Faith vs. SightWhat can't we learn from a child!
Restoration"...never too late!"
Things Aren't Always What They SeemWhen something, seemingly bad, gets in our way, alters our plans or somehow slows us down in life, we never know what tragedy may have befallen us had we continued on our intended course.
The Cracked PotWhen I see myself as damaged goods ...
The RockIf I'll just trust and obey -- He'll do the rest!
Think About ItAre your days being forged into building blocks toward a happy and rewarding future for you and your family? ...or -- have they just been one slippery rock after another with no purpose or meaning, only pining your life away one wasted day to the next?!
Do I Qualify For Your Love?Love gives life. Rejection and abandonment kills. The most destructive thing that could ever happen to a child is to be abandoned by his or her own parents!!!
The PsalmShakespeare said, "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more." JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."
Undercover ChristianCharles Spurgeon once said that some Christians need to wear a badge identifying them as such because that is the only way anyone would know that they believe in Christ Jesus.
Don't bargain with satan!. . . he's the smoothest negotiator you will ever come up against!
KEEP COOL ...even when you're hotConsider adopting these steps to processing anger.
Make Children A PriorityYou should defend those who cannot help themselves. Yes, speak up for the poor and the needy, and see that they get justice. Proverbs 31:8-9, LB
...and leave the driving to who?!Who .......who's driving?!? HEY! Watch out for that tree! ...CrAsH !!! Call a tow-truck. --- Hello, ...uh ...Jesus ...uh ...can you come help me ...uh ...again?
My Love For God No ...not mine. This is a link to my Mom's site. This brave and glorious, nonetheless astounding lady of unwaivering faith and conviction has suffered and survived at least three generations of alcoholism (that I know of); to include father, in-laws, husband and sons. Only the power of a living, loving, caring God could have sustained her. This is her testimony, her life, her faith and her love for our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, God and King.
Remember..... Never be afraid of tomorrow:
JESUS is already there!!!


My Love For My Linda
My Love For My Linda
My Love For My Linda
My Love For My Linda
The Most Loving Woman I've Ever Known
My Beautiful Best Friend And Cherished Wife

My Love For My Linda

grant me the

to accept the things
I cannot change, the

to change the
things I can and the

to know the difference.

Download Song (.mid)
Download Song (.mid)

"Song Title"

February 11, 1999

There ain't nothin' JESUS can't fix!