Scott & Clarissa
The News
4/28/01: They're framing!
Our house is coming to life! It is so exciting to see the building progression of
the house. We "visit" and take pictures of it about twice a week. The weather here is
beautiful. You should come check it out! Southwest Airlines is running a special, you
know! Come visit soon! We miss you!
3/18/01: Great News!
On the home front:
Our house is being built! Our house is being built! They just began layout.
The house is estimated to be finished sometime around early September. Follow the
progress of the build at Our House under PHOTOS!
In the office:
A replacement has been found to fill Clarissa's old job as Tech Editor! She will begin
training the new guy in early April. Before long, she'll be able to shed her old role and
step into her new role as Online Information Design Specialist.
3/13/01: An Update
We've done a lot of work on the house and construction hasn't even begun! We have signed
the contract to purchase the home, and since then we've been picking everything from
faucet fixtures and carpet to phone and cable locations. We've also been working on
designing our pool/spa and landscaping. Beyond that, we've just been busy with work.
We'll be sure to update you with photos when we take more. That's it for now!
2/17/01: And the fun begins!
This weekend, we will be signing the paperwork to purchase our home, locking in the current
rates! Building won't begin until around April, but the fun will begin as we head
to the design center to pick out all the details for the house. We'll keep you posted!
1/21/01: Update
So it looks like building won't begin until sometime around March (our guestimate),
which means we probably won't be moving into our new home until sometime during the Fall.
We will keep you updated. Feel free to check out the info on the house under Photos.
We've been really busy with work these days. Nothing else is new! We hope you are all doing
well! We miss you guys!
1/7/01: Happy New Year!
Greetings from the desert!
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! We enjoyed seeing many of our
family and friends, and if we didn't get a chance to see you we did think of you.
Scott is enjoying the many challenges of his new job as Software Engineer for Siebel
Clarissa has begun her new job (same company, same group, and still working
remotely) as a Quality Assurance Engineer, at least on paper! She's
still waiting for her replacement to be hired in her former tech editor
position so she can assume the responsibilities of her new job and shed those of
her old job!
We are anticipating that the builders will begin building our house by the end of
this month. Keep your fingers crossed! They have finished building the model
homes, and the first residents of this subdivision will move in any day now.
Photos of the model homes will be viewable at this web site shortly.
That's it for now! Over and out.
10/29/00: Hello from Arizona!
Hi Everyone!
We've been in Arizona for a couple weeks now. We're all settled in our nice apartment in Gilbert. Just after our arrival here, we took a little trip to Las Vegas to celebrate our 3rd anniversary and had a wonderful time (photos to come!). After the little vacation and some more unpacking, it was back to work! Scott will be starting at a company named Siebel Systems soon, and I have been working out of the Phoenix office for HP. I like my new office and the people I've met there, though I do miss my team in Mountain View!
The weather here has been unusual for these parts. It's been raining off and on, and when it's on it's pouring! It's the second rainiest October in recorded history. I guess we brought the rain with us! However, it's been hitting up to the 70s here, and we've seen some nice sunny and clear days like today.
We often visit our piece of dirt, on which our new home will be built. The builders are nearly done building the model homes, though the torrential rains have hampered its completion. Our lot has not opened yet for us to purchase, but we are eager for it to open soon! In the meantime, we've been getting design ideas from our friends (Edward) and from watching the Home and Garden shows!
Thank you for all your well wishes and blessings during our move here. We miss you and hope you'll visit soon!
Clarissa & Scott
8/27/00: SOLD!
Our townhouse has been sold! And our move date is now officially October 15, 2000. Packing is in process. We'll be out in Arizona next month to find an apartment to live in for about 6 months before our house is built.
Scott's still waiting for management approval, but I have been approved to work remotely with my current group. I will be working in the Phoenix office, rather than in a home office as was anticipated before.
We'll communicate our new address and phone number once we've determined it.
8/16/00: We're Moving
After 2 years of deep thought and consideration, as well as a lot of research, Scott and I
have made the decision to move to Arizona. Our destination is a new home in a master
planned community in Gilbert, which is 8 miles southeast of Phoenix. Our timeframe is the
end of October 2000 (anytime between Oct. 15 and Nov. 1). Yes, that is just two months away!
Scott is looking into the possibility of staying with HP by working with the same team
remotely, and I am in the final phases of obtaining complete approval for working for the
same group remotely in a home office! We are very pleased that at least one of us will be
able to stay at HP! (It would have been so sad to leave!)
Currently, we are working on selling our townhouse in Campbell. If you are interested, or
you know anyone who's interested, please contact us
for more information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We are quite excited about the big move, and we are equally saddened to face the reality
of being further away from our family and friends. However, we take great comfort in the
possibilities that technology brings us, which will allow us to remain in touch with you
all (plus you can catch the latest from this web site).
We'll be just a phone call, e-mail, and 1.75 hr flight away! So please keep in touch and
come visit!
8/14/00: New Eyes!
Wow! I can see so clearly now! The LASIK surgery was a success, both for Scott's mom and for me! We now see 20/20 with no glasses, no contacts! It's incredible! How many fingers you're holding up? I have the answer!
In other news, more photos will be posted shortly. Thank you for your patience!
7/24/00: The Scoop
Sorry it has been so long since the site has been updated. We have been busy, and we've had limited access to files and our scanner. Since the last news update, much has transpired. So let's just jump right into it. Congratulations are in order!
- To Kevin, Paul, and Teresa for graduating from jr. high, high school, and college respectively.
- To our dear friends Rosalyn and Edward on their nuptials! We wish you many years of uninterrupted happiness and laughter!
- And to Scott for his new position at HP.
In addition, you may keep Clarissa in your prayers as she goes under the knife (LASER, really) August 11 when she gets LASIK surgery. Yay! No more contacts! No more glasses!
Sorry. We still don't have access to our scanner, so no new photos have been scanned, and therefore none are available for your viewing pleasure just yet.
5/00: Cobra Gets Supercharged!
Our '95 Cobra Mustang now has a Vortech V2S supercharger under its hood, increasing
the horsepower to about 420 (exact number to be determined next week when it's dyno'd). Needless to say,
that Cobra is FAST!
12/99: Update
An update on our lives has long been overdue! Since August, we both have turned 25
and received a decrease in auto insurance as a result. I received my Internet Business Specialist
certificate, while Scott has continued his pursuit of the SUN certification in Java, due for completion
this summer. We have just recently begun inline skating. *gasp* Watch out for us on the roads!
Although we both skate safely guarded with knee, elbow, and wrist pads, neither of us has had to use them!
Other than that, not much is new.
8/1: Our New Wheels
We just bought another set of wheels to replace the stolen
'89 LX and the recently sold '97 Saleen Cobra. Our new baby is a '95 Mustang Cobra, black
with black leather interior. Picture coming soon.
7/25: Continuing Education
Scott has just begun taking classes and is on his way to becoming certified in
Java, while Clarissa has been taking web development and design courses to become certified
as an Internet Business Specialist.
7/2: Once again...Another Accident
(This is getting absolutely ridiculous!)
Just when we thought we had finally met our lifetime quota for auto accidents, Scott
gets hit by a woman who ran a red light just blocks away from our home. Fortunately, she merely grazed
the front bumper of Scott's rental car (a Pontiac GrandAm), taking some of the white paint off his bumper
and depositing some blue paint from her Honda Civic.
The police arrived at the scene and verified that the woman ran the red light and thus was liable for
damages to Scott's rental. In addition, cameras were mounted at the location of the accident and
captured the whole thing.
The number of accidents we've been involved in seems to be increasing at an endless rate, and fortunately
none of them have been our fault and none of them have caused serious injury, but it has been
QUITE a hassle!
6/27: Check out the newly added Family and Friends photos!
(Just click on the Photos link to your left.)
6/16: Scott's '89 Mustang Gets Stolen
Just when we thought things couldn't get worse, Scott discovers that his car is
gone from the parking lot at work, where he had parked it just only about 2 hours ago.
Grounds security was immediately notified and a police report drawn. Someone had
stolen Scott's car. Shortly after Scott had parked his car--the last time he saw his car,
a coworker had noticed a car of 3-4 guys driving very slowly around the area of the parking
lot where she and Scott had parked. Suspecting they were up to no good, she double checked her
doors to make sure they were locked before leaving her car. Scott suspects that this was
a professional job, and that those guys had probably followed him to work in order to steal his
car. Please help us by keeping your eyes out for the car pictured above. The license plate
number is 4EKM600. We probably won't find the car, but it's worth a shot. Thanks!
6/15: Check out the newly added photos!
(Just click on the Photos link above.)
6/12: Help Us Sell the Saleen Cobra
We're trying to sell Scott's 1997 Saleen Cobra Mustang, but aren't finding any
potential buyers. If you know anyone who may be interested in buying such a unique and FAST
ride, please pass the following information along and have them contact us.
1997 S281 Saleen Cobra Mustang |
Exterior | White with blue graphics |
Interior | Saddle (tan) leather; dash signed by Steve Saleen |
Photo | View photo |
Gears | 4.10 |
Miles | 26,000 |
Awards | Trophy for "Best of Show" at the Saleen Mustang Car Show |
Other Attributes | Clean, in excellent condition, #211, the
only white Saleen Cobra made ever, includes all documentation (certificate
of authenticity) |
Asking Price | $30,000 |
Thanks in advance for your help!
6/10: Clarissa Gets Hit Again
On Wednesday 6/9, I got hit again by someone trying to back out of his parking
spot during lunch hour. Just as I was starting to pass a parked construction van,
the driver of the van backed out of his parking spot and right into the
corner of my passenger side bumper. The guy said he thought he was clear before backing
out, until he realized he hit me. You can imagine my frustration. This was my brand new car,
not even two weeks old! Not much damage was done--the bumper was damaged (bent into the tire well)
and the tire scratched. Nonetheless, I am once again without a car. I don't know what is with
me and automobiles, but I seem to be a magnet for accidents. On the bright side, no one was hurt,
and the driver of the van assumed complete responsibility. My Explorer will be repaired sometime
next week, and I will be on the road again. Please keep all vans a great distance away from me.
6/6: Special Announcement
Congratulations to our friend Linda Andres for earning her Juris Doctor
Degree from Lincoln Law School of San Jose!
6/1: Error Detected
We apologize for any messages that may have bounced.
The "Contact Us" link had been pointing to the incorrect e-mail address,
but the link has been corrected. Thanks!
5/28: Scott Surprises Clarissa with New Car
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