We had our 1st family reunion June 25-27, 1999 in San Antonio, Texas. It Was Great Fun! Our thanks to the ReUnion Committee. They did a fantastic Job. It was not an easy task, but well worth the huge amount of time and effort put into organizing it. Very gratifying to see so many family gathered together. |
The Theme of 1999 CHFG ReUnion was "Stories of Our Past." However, it should have been "Let's Get Together and Talk." Because that's what everyone wanted to do, and did. There were cousins of mine who I hadn't seen for over 40 years. And even more cousins I didn't even know I had.
The hosts\hostesses were descendants of Velva L.(Cap) Haynes & Ressie L. Collins, Cavitt C. (Bully) Haynes & Phlisita Collins, and Porter and Almentra Goff. For more detailed information, click the menu for 1999 Organizers.
ReUnion 2001 was held 22-23 of June in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The Goff-Haynes descendants of Evie Goff & Frank Haynes hosted our gathering. Again we had a great time reacquainting ourselves with long ago memories of cousins not seen since our early years. We had a good time romping around Okla City. There was good food galore! |
Present at the reunion were Charlie Mae Haynes, daughter of Evie Goff & Frank Haynes, and Devorah (Haynes) Lamar, daughter of Lucinda Goff & Carl Lee Haynes. I hope someone remembered to get those two together. They are both in their 80's and are double first cousins. Their mothers were sisters and their fathers were brothers.
We were entertained by the granddaughter of one of the hostesses who gave us a presentation that she correographed herself. We visited the site of the bombing; visited the shopping malls several times, and some of us took time to worship God together before heading back home. For more information click the menu for 2001 Organizers.
An almost unanimous vote was to have the 2003 Reunion in San Diego, CA. It will be held from Thursday evening, June 26th, through Saturday, June 29th. We've got lots of exciting events planned! Bring your swimsuits and walking shoes! |
We are negotiating group prices for the entire week, should some of you wish to come early and stay long. San Diego is a great place to vacation. There are gorgeous places to go sight-seeing, and endless fun places to take the kiddies. San Diego tends to get cool in the evening, especially near the ocean, so please bring your sweaters.
A group of us will be attending church services on Sunday morning--please join us if you like. If enough people wish to, we will have a short service at the hotel, instead of going to one of the local churches. We have plenty of ministers in our family, and I know we can all sing!
© T.J. Johnson, November, 2001