New Hampshire's |
Hi my name is Jane, better known as Fall or Hootette on the net. I live in the beautiful mountains and lakes regions of New Hampshire. I moved here 14 years ago from Mass. and never once wanted to go back .... or anywhere else for that matter. I began using a computer 3 years ago, and in Feb. 1998 met a man name Larry, better known as Hoot on the net. He was from Oklahoma (notice I said was :-) We began a virtual relationship, later met in real life and became husband and wife in Oct. 1998 .... The following will be OUR story.... |
The Story Of Fall And Hoot |
Let me begin our story on Febuary 26th 1998. Fall had met Hoot before, but only briefly... and somehow this day was different. Fall had been at another Palace and gotten bored and decided to go to the Main Palace to see if there was someone new to chat with. There was Hoot hanging upside down in his alien aviator and immediatly began talking to Fall when she arrived. They joked back and forth and had alot of fun. Hoot was wearing a sign that read "For Sale or Lease" Fall inquired about the sign and asked the conditions of the sale or lease. They talked back and forth, he stating the conditions and she accepting or declining each condition as it was said. All in all it was a fun afternoon and they both very much enjoyed chatting with each other. Before Fall left the Palace that day Hoot asked her if she would like to exchange ICQ#'s. They then proceded to give each other their ICQ#'s in whisper mode. Fall said her goodbyes to all and left the Palace. |
The same night, Hoot paged fall on ICQ and requested a chat. Fall declined that chat as she was feeling a bit shy about this man she really didn't know. She was however very curious about him and wished immediatly she hadent. The following day Fall sent Hoot an E-Mail story. The story caused much debate. Hoot and Fall disagreed on how the people in the story handled things and an all out debate began. They never agreed on the differences that were there from the start, but both could see the others point of view. This intriqued Fall very much. She always liked men that werent afraid to say how they felt, and was happy he wasent the type of man that would just agree to make "points" with the girl. She was also impressed that he had read it and had felt strong enough about it to bother to debate it with her. He was a challenge. Fall was always happiest when she was challenged and loved nothing better than a good debate. |
E Mail Me :-) |
At the time they met, Hoot had begun to set up a personal Palace and had invited Fall there to chat.... and chat they did !! They spent many hours alone in his Palace talking about life, their pasts, their hopes and their dreams. Fall found him very interesting as did Hoot her. Their friendship grew and grew. Hoot made it very clear that honesty was what he expected above all else and would accept nothing less. Fall loved that quality in him and wanted and expected the same. |
The Palace |
Hoot |
Hoot loved to play cards and asked Fall to download the Internet Gaming Zone so they could play spades together. They spent endless hours there playing cards while using Pow Wow to play songs to each other. Their relationship continued to grow and they felt a need for a "Real" connection. They spent literally hundreds of hours on the phone, most times saying goodnight as the sun was coming up. The love they felt growing was overwhelming. They also began to send each other packages through the mail filled with pictures and tokens of their love for one another. |
Pow Wow |
The Zone |
Hoot and Fall began to talk about a virtual marriage. Fall was a Wizard at Peasants Paradise Palace and asked the Goddess Peasant and the Co- God Sheridan if they could be married in the chapel there. They were more than happy to help them in any way. Preperations were made, Aviators were chosen, attendents were asked and the day was approaching when they would become virtual husband and wife. Hoot and Fall designed their invitation and sent it to all their friends they wanted to attend. It all happened on Fall's birthday. This was their invitation. |
And this is how they looked..... |
The continuing story.... |