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Heart Gifts

March 14, 2000

Little Johnny came home from Sunday School
told his mom they sang the "Andy Song" --
andy walks with me, andy talks with me." O, to be a kid again.

One of our great hymns starts, "Joyful, joyful we adore Thee..." That makes me think of Romans 12:11 (nlt), "Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically." Mount that over the sink of your church kitchen-- or your own sink or workplace.

Many of us serve the Lord in our churches as ushers, Sunday School teachers, kitchen workers, etc., but we can become "weary in well doing" if we aren't careful. We need to keep our purpose for serving focused in order to maintain our enthusiasm. Let's turn our drudgery into delight by constantly reminding ourselves whom we serve.

In another song we sing, "I serve a living Savior..". If we focus our efforts with Him in mind, we will turn our chores into choruses of praise. In Snow White they sing, "Whistle While You Work." Maybe we can't do that literally, but the concept is the right idea. Enthusiasm is contagious -- let's start an epidemic!

written by:
David George, a stroke victim layman and meant to be a source of encouragement and uplifting.

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