For your personalized globe |
Please visit this site. She is a good friend that I work with when creating globes. That is why you might see a few of the same bases. Enjoy! |
The email provider I
was using for my globes request (Hotmail) has done something
so I am not able to
log in to check to see if anyone has requested a globe. I emailed
them a week ago to
work things out so I can get in, but they still to this day hasn't answered
my email. So,
instead of making you all wonder if I am ignoring you, I have switched
another email provider.
you requested a globe between June 21 - July 5, 1999, I didn't
get that request, and
I'll need you to fill out another form. I am sorry about this!!
I have created a group
for those of us that like to talk to others that are like us.
Likes to create! This
is a group open to all ages, sexes, & creeds. If you know
how to create graphics
or want to learn, please join. We are a out going group of
people that send emails
daily. We are creating a webpage for it now! When it is up
we will announce it
threw the group and here!
Hope to see you there :)
Hosted by |
July 1999 Thank you so very much!! |
These are the logo I would like you to use in return of using my globes
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