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My Search and Reunion!
Even though I was raised in a loving and nurturing family I always felt something was missing.  I finally realized that it was me that was.  I had no clue as to where I came from and needed to know to feel whole.  So began my search.
In 1991 just before the birth of my son I decided to start my search.  With non id info I was getting no where,  so with the help of my mom(adoptive) I finally got the id info on my birthmom.  I thought that I was almost there, boy was I wrong! 
8 years and lots of leg work and money spent I was ready to give up!  Then on June 10, 1999 I located my birthmom through my birthsister's dad.  My birthmom and I talked on the phone(both in total shock) and made plans to meet that weekend.
I was so excited and overwhelmed I could not believe it was really going to happen!  But it did.  We met for dinner.  I also met two of my birthsisters. 
It was wonderful!
I finally was starting to feel whole.
Two days later I decided to search for my birthdad and within a week I was meeting him and his family! He was even in the same town as me.  I was so shocked!
I have since remained in contact with both birthmom and birthdad.  I get together all the time with my birthsister Amy!
I am truly blessed to have had such a great reunion with both!

I would like to take this time to give a special thank you to my mother,  without her none of this would have been possible!
She is truly my best friend even if she may not know it or feel it at times!
Thank You sooooo much for your support through this and other things in my life. You are my strength and courage!
You are my angel!!!!!!!!!!

Update as of Aug. 27,2001
Well it has been alittle over 2 years since my reunion and all is still going great with my birthmother and birthfamily from her side. I have moved farther away from them all so we don't see eachother as much.
I have also since gained a new nephew. He is just adorable too!!!!
In June of 2000 my mother and father met my birthfather and his family and we all went out to lunch. It was wonderful and they all got along so well. I never thought my dad and birthdad would stop talking.
I have not seen my birthfather since June of 2000. We do talk on the phone every few months. Even though we do not keep in touch as much I know that I am always in his heart just as he is in mine. Life just keeps you busy sometimes.

Photos and Info