Eerie's Photo Album

Hi... I am Eerie. No... don't be scared, i'm not THAT kind of eerie. It's the name that was given to me by the human family I adopted. Their names are "My Mommie", "My Airik" and "My Nikolaus". After 9 years I think I have them pretty well trained. So, I guess that i'll keep them... for now. We recently moved to Florida, and now also live with "Tom-Tom" and her human "George". This is me taking a nap with My Nikolaus. Look at what a good boy he is. I'm so proud.

As you can see, I am also a business-cat. Keeping in touch with my clients is easy with my office equipment. "Have printer, scanner, cell phone and pager... will travel". That's what I always say. Well, I don't REALLY always say that... that would take FAR TOO LONG!! Most of the time, I just say "meow". It's simple, and it really seems to get the point across. Meow.

Even with the many important miracles I must perform each day, I still manage to supervise all my own corporate work. You can never be too careful with documents that require your paw-stamp on them! "Never trust a human to do a feline's job". That's what I always say. Well, actually... Meow. See... you understood. Good person. Good, good person.

This is my twin sister, "Whiskers". Our birthday is June 28, 1993. She adopted my human Mommie's Daddy. She's not as friendly and outgoing as I am... and that's probably because she has no boys to take care of like I do. It's not always easy being the "good kitty"... but someone has to keep this family in line!

Please let me know what you think about my site.

Perhaps I will get back to you... after my nap.

Mommie's Sunflower Gallery

Album One

Album Two

Buckabum's Homepage

This page was last "messed with" on December 16, 2004 at 5:56a. EST
©1999 - 2005 by Buckabum/S.E.M./Eerie