Balzar Laver, born 1733 - died 1774 -- married Elizabeth Bowman, born 1736 - died 1784 Michael Lavour, born Aug. 11, 1757 -died Dec. 11, 1839 -- married Anna Kendig, born Aug. 26, 1760 - died Feb. 27, 1828 -parents of Henry Lauver Henry Lauver, born Aug. 30, 1790 - died June 6, 1878 --married Anna Nancy Acker, born Nov. 1, 1800 - died Jan. 23, 1866. Henry and Anna had the following children: Catherine , Anna , Mary , Peter Lauver, John, Henry, and Frances. Peter Lauver, born July 19, 1826 - died May 26, 1903 -- married Susanna Keagle, born Sept. 13, 1823 - died Aug. 15, 1887. Peter later married Judeth Diehl Long, born Sept. 5, 1833 - died Jan. 21, 1914. Peter and Susanna had the following children: Louisa, Margaret, Milton, Maurice, Emma Louise, Laura, Lewis, Minnie Alice , and Cloyd Morgan: Louisa, born in 1850, married Isaac Burrows (possibly Burris), born Aug. 28, 1838 and died Feb. 14, 1910. Louisa is buried in Pleaseantville, New Jersey. Margaret (Margaretta) , born 1852, married Charles Emerson of Chicago, Illinois. Milton H., born Dec. 22, 1853 and died April 3, 1923, married Sarah Lovina Long. They had nine children. Maurice (Morris) E, born June 23, 1856 and lived only until May 13, 1877. Emma Louise (Mary E.), born Feb. 15, 1858 and died May 22, 1959 -- married Isaac Stahlsmith (several different spellings found).. Lewis Eber, born 1858 or 1860 and died Dec. 23, 1919. Lewis settled in Springfield, Ohio and was a saloon keeper there in 1892-1894. Laura M., born 1862. Apparently never married. Cloyd Morgan (Morgan C.), born May 30, 1864 and died Sept. 20, 1866. Buried in the Auker Cemetery. Minnie (Mina) Alice, born April 12, 1866 in Millerstown, PA. and died Oct. 16, 1909 in Enid, OK. --married Joseph Thompson Gist
Minnie was born in Millerstown, PA. She lived in Springfield, Ohio in 1888, St. Louis, MO. in 1890. She lived in Amite City, Louisiana in 1891 and worked as a court reporter for the 18th Judicial District. Family notes indicate that she had a married sister living in Louisiana as well, unknown which sister though.
She had met Joseph Thompson Gist, my great grandfather, while in Ohio and they began a long distance romance until 1892 when she moved to Topeka, where he was living at the time.
In 1893, after they were married, Joseph settled land near present day Enid, OK. during the Cherokee Strip Land Rush. They farmed the land, he had a feed and coal shop and music store, and became a lawyer there. Minnie had several children. She passed away in 1909 at a young age.
I am lucky to have many of their original courtship letters as well as letters sent back home describing their adventures in Oklahoma Territory. |