Welcome to my Testimony Page

Matthew ch.5 vs.17 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

I want to use this page to tell what my Saviour has done for me. I feel I must tell it to the world. This is one way I know to do that.

I have known Jesus since I was a little girl. My parents raised me in Church. I am so grateful for that. I know their faithfulnes has protected me many times. I don't know really where I went off the straight and narrow path, but they were dark, dark days. I know that I was not a good example of a Christain during that time.

Over the course of a few years, I felt the separation between myself and God. He was there, but I couldn't feel him, because of sin in my life. I thought I was searching, but really, I just wanted God to "fix" my life. I didn't want to change, or live right. I wanted God for what He could do for me.

I had quit going to church after a time. I kept Christian friends, but I didn't live like one. I will always live with the consequences of those sins. God has forgiven me, but He doesn't take away our punishments. He didn't forget me. He was always there, waiting for me to come back with a repentant heart.

Well, I moved to a new location, and I said, "I'm going to church again, I want to start living right." I was growing up, finally. I was tired of living for myself, tired of doing everything on my own strength, tired of living on the fence. My heart was changing. An old friend was brought back into my life. Her quiet encouragement weighed heavily on me. She didn't preach to me about going to church, but her example convicted me.

I was also feeling terrible about my children. I knew my soul was saved, but I hadn't taught them about God. God was working on me, He was calling me home. Then the best thing of all happened. GOD spoke to ME. This is when I really turned around.

I was at work one day and a gentleman, who I had served earlier, returned. He boldly asked me,"Do you know Jesus?" I was so shocked. I told him, "yes". He said,"God laid it on my heart to talk to you." I couldn't believe it! I told him that I wasn't good, that I hadn't been in church, or living right. He said,"I can see Him in your eyes, Jesus is there. He loves you." I didn't know what to say. I kept this to myself, and didn't tell any one right away. I knew that God had sent him, to ME! That night, I repented. I prayed for forgiveness. I went to Church the very next Sunday. It seemed as if the message was preached directly to me. I knew then I had found my church home.

I have so much to learn now. I have missed many years when I could have been serving my LORD. I want to live right now. I no longer have desire to do what I thought was "cool" before. I pray for the people I knew before, I pray they will all come to know God as I do. I have such a peace now, the unrest in my soul is gone. Like the prodigal son of Luke 15, I have come home, and God is happy to have me!

If you would like more information about becoming a child of God, or what I believe, follow either of these links:

My Church Here

My "Home" Church