I show these pictures with great pride


Here are some pictures of our Family
It takes a little time to load the page, there's alot of pictures. Please be patient.
I knew we would have a large family, but never in my wildest dreams did I expect it to grow like this.
We have a beautiful combination of Irish, German, English, donated by Jim, and Italian, donated by Me.
There is some Norweigen, Finn, and Isralie, donated by childrens spouces. So we have blonds, brunettes, and red heads. Blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, brown eyes, or brown eyes with blue rings around the iris, Laura and I have the blue ring.

From the very beginning of our marriage, there has never been a His or Hers. Only Ours.(only when Jim would say "Look what your son did?)
A mixture of personalitys, life styles, and temperments. We answer them all, no matter if we're called Mom, Dad, Nana, Pop, Aunt, Uncle or Friend.
Hey Jim, look at what we created, is'nt it fantastic?

We have indeed been blessed.

Laura, Kevin, Jimmy, George, Connie

Laura holding her flowers, and George on a snowmobile, video taping New Hampshire.

Although this is'nt a recent picture, I had to include it. I'm so proud of it. This is George when he graduated boot camp. He was only 17, and boy did I worry over him.

Here is another favorite of mine, the men in my life. I'm proud of all of them, and their cute too. lol lol

Connie & Joe, during a visit to Florida. Kevin & Lorilyn

Heres a picture of Kevin with Lorissa. Her first father-daughter dinner. I love this picture.

Kevin Jr. Look at those eyes. Lorissa, the child that never stops showing her love. Her heart is bigger than she is.

Alyssa and Jack two more cuties.

Brian, the charmer. Debbi with an i, lol lol can't mispell that name, taken this summer in New Hampshire.

Here is Ann. She is Ann to the world, but still our Annie.
Jimmy fishing in his back yard. Brave soul, there's gator's in that lake, one in particular that he named Elmo.
There were so many pictures I had to make a second page, so please click next to see the rest.

For more family pictures click next button.

This Background set was made by me.
The set was made in Paint Shop Pro.

Graphics created with Paint Shop Pro5

Special thanks to Lady DJ for her Graffics. She no longer has a page to link to. Thank You DJ your talent will be missed.

Please sign my new guest book, thank you.

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