Welcome to my Guestbook!

jessica macmillan - 06/30/00 21:22:34
My URL:http://rajmac@aol
My Email:same
Where are you from?: wadsworth,ohio
Your favorite movie?: patton
How did you find this site?: love canada

great site

Danny - 06/11/00 22:09:28
My URL:/cobra7508
My Email:cobra@midsouth.rr.com
Where are you from?: Memphis, TN USA
Your favorite movie?: Top Gun
How did you find this site?: Surfing

You have a wonderful web site, I hope to visit Canada in August. Do you know Star?

Florence Peake - 04/12/00 01:55:31
My Email:mranahan@execulink.com
Where are you from?: Ontario
Your favorite movie?: Fried Green Tomatoes
How did you find this site?: surfing

I was born in Charlottetown.

trevor - 01/24/00 01:34:06
Where are you from?: pei
Your favorite movie?: the green mile
How did you find this site?: just looking around pei

you have done a great job of this site Linda, I found all the information great. Terrific job!!!

Colin Love - 01/09/00 01:33:34
My URL:http://www.users.uniserve.com/~colinluv
My Email:colinluv@uniserve.com
Where are you from?: BC
Your favorite movie?: Undecided...
How did you find this site?: Surfed in.

Nice site. I enjoy the Canadian content. Visit my webpage dedicated to PEI's car ferry MV Abegweit for more Canadian history: http://www.users.uniserve.com/~colinluv

Piyo Piyo - 09/15/99 00:31:48
My Email:funfunfun@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Your favorite movie?: Not quite sure
How did you find this site?: Just came cross

You should make a map with Nunavut!

Karen Johnson Chohrach - 09/08/99 15:56:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/ka_johnson_chohrach/kfind.html
My Email:karen_chohrach@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas USA
Your favorite movie?: Hard to say - I like so many for different reasons!
How did you find this site?: webring

I'm an American who holds great affection for my Northern neighbors (neighbours!). Outstanding website! Rich in content and exceptional in organization. I will add a link to my website - Lake of the Woods: Memories of the Canadian Northwoods at http:// embers.tripod.com/ka_johnson_chohrach/kfind.html on my "Resources & Services" page. Check it out!

Bridgette - 09/07/99 02:58:04
My Email:bridgettey@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: calgary alberta
Your favorite movie?: ??
How did you find this site?: www.geocities.com

i wish you would please update your map. we now have a new territory called Nunavut the capital is Iqaluit it would be much appreciated if you updated the map

matthews - 08/17/99 23:23:46
My URL:http://www.canadianfamily.com
My Email:family@canadianwebs.com
Where are you from?: bc
Your favorite movie?: cape fear
How did you find this site?: surfing, tcwebsiteclub

great canadian reference site

Danny - 08/04/99 14:01:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cabin3690/
My Email:cobra@midsouth.rr.com
Where are you from?: Miami/Memphis
How did you find this site?: My Homepage

Really looks great, I know you spent a lot of time on your site and it paid off. Keep up the good work.Rating 5 Stars.

Lorelei - 07/15/99 02:41:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Square/2163/
My Email:Loreleis@webtv.net
Where are you from?: GA USA
Your favorite movie?: "Gone WithThe Wind"
How did you find this site?: Anothers guestbook

Very informative site! I hope to visit Canada in the future. I will print some of the info out. Thank You!!

Tucansam - 07/10/99 11:05:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tucansam_2
Where are you from?: Canada
Your favorite movie?: Titanic
How did you find this site?: Canadian Ring

Another great Canadian site. Greetings from Niagara Falls Ontario.

Kimmy Smith - 06/23/99 18:24:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Your favorite movie?: Inherit the Wind
How did you find this site?: link from another guestbook

Great site. Congrats on being named a Hallmark Site.

snugglekat - 04/29/99 06:28:54
My URL:/Wellesley/Gazebo/8684/
My Email:snugglekat@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: British Columbia CANADA
Your favorite movie?: Ghost
How did you find this site?: another guestbook


Love it biggly! I am always on the lookout for Canadian pages of any sort and WOW did you catch my attention here. Keep up the great stuff here!

EEE - 03/18/99 21:02:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/eeee
My Email:super_e@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Toronto
Your favorite movie?: Star Wars
How did you find this site?: Canada ring

Great page.

Deborah - 03/13/99 05:38:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/deb/index.html
My Email:daggettd@nbnet.nb.ca
Where are you from?: Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick
Your favorite movie?: many
How did you find this site?: From another Canadian site

Linda, this is a great homepage! I like your background and you have done a tremendous job on everything here. Pleas check out my site- it is quite new, not anywhere near finished, but it has some Canadian content- on lighthouses, one of which you show on this site, and a page on Vimy Ridge.

Flash - 03/07/99 18:52:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/flashcanada/index.html
My Email:webflash@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ont Canada
Your favorite movie?: not sure yet
How did you find this site?: guestbook

I am looking for great Canadian sites to join my web ring. If interested go to my WEBRING page on my Homepage.

Bill Pitcher - 03/04/99 04:53:11
My URL:http://www.thepitchergallery.com
My Email:bill@thepitchergallery.com
Where are you from?: Williams Lake, BC
Your favorite movie?: usually the last one seen - Rounders
How did you find this site?: we're part of the same webring

Incredible site! I've book marked it and will return often. Where do you live?

J.Giannetta - 02/26/99 19:59:51
My URL:http://www2.crosswinds.net/regina/~jgiannet/canindex.html
My Email:jgiannet@dlcwest.com
Where are you from?: Regina, Sk.
Your favorite movie?: Moonstruck
How did you find this site?: web ring

Greetings, from Regina, Sk., I loved your site. You made excellent choices for the graphics for each web page. The information must have required alot of research. I also used some of the same graphic artists as you did , for my website about the provinci l symbols. I invite you to come and visit my web pages about Canada. I'm working on a site that can also be used by young children, in their Canadian Studies. After going through your site, I had to bookmark it. I must come back and spend more time rea ing everything.

Kirsty - 02/23/99 23:33:36
My URL:http://www.niagara.com/~kirsty/top.htm
My Email:kirsty@niagara.com
Where are you from?: Ontario, CA
Your favorite movie?: lots!
How did you find this site?: another guestbook

Hiya, I'm very impressed with your page, it looks like you've put a lot of work and thought into it! I love those little flags too, where on earth did you get those? I'd love for you to check out my Canadian page and lemmie know what you think!


lowkeyguy - 02/20/99 02:45:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/fokes
My Email:pfokes@msn.com
Where are you from?: Toronto
How did you find this site?: webring

So much to view..you must have worked very hard putting this site together..good work!

lowkeyguy - 02/20/99 02:39:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/fokes
My Email:pfokes@msn.com
Where are you from?: toronto
Your favorite movie?: Journey To The Centre of the Earth
How did you find this site?: webring

Hi..enjoyed exploring your site as I make my way around the ring. Will be back to check up on your updates.

Cindy - 02/17/99 06:16:08
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Grumpy2nAM/enter.htm
My Email:Grumpy2nAM@aol.com
Where are you from?: Colorado, USA
How did you find this site?: my guestbook

Hi, thanks for visiting my website and inviting me here to explore yours. You've done an excellent job here, I love your graphics and contents. I'm originally from Alaska and have been through British Columbia, Yukon, Alberta and even Quebec. I love Ca ada and hope to return for a visit. I've bookmarked your page so I can return when I have a little more time to check it all out. Thanks for inviting me.

Mr. Canada - 02/15/99 01:18:22
My URL:http://www.vaxxine.com/northcountry
My Email:mrcanada@vaxxine.com
Where are you from?: St. Catharines, Ontario, CANADA
Your favorite movie?: Pure Country
How did you find this site?: Another Guestbook

Nice page you have here, I enjoyed my stay. The pictures and wallpaper here are some of the best that I have seen. Keep up the good work, I am sure that I'll be back. Be sure to stop by and visit my page, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Anthony Wright - 02/11/99 12:37:15
My URL:http://home.istar.ca/~awright/INDEX.HTM
My Email:awright@istar.ca
Where are you from?: Ottawa, Ontario
How did you find this site?: Web ring

Very interesting site! It's nice to see pages of those who are proud of Canada!

Gary Richards - 01/15/99 19:42:34
My URL:http://www.accesscable.com/~richards
My Email:richards@accesscable.net
Where are you from?: Sackville
Your favorite movie?: A Time To Kill
How did you find this site?: Through my wife Pat

Hi Linda, I loved your homepage. It is truely Canadian. I understand you went to the same Hi School as I did. We Will have to chat sometime.

Dallas - 01/14/99 12:51:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9466
My Email:countryhearts
Where are you from?: Nova Scotia
How did you find this site?: You signed my HEART BONDS guestbook

This is a wonderfully informative site!! What I've enjoyed so far makes me want to come back often and use it for my children's school projects and general info ~~ it's definitely bookmarked! Having been born in Calgary and lived the first half of my life on the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver BC and now Nova Scotia, I will be able to 'revisit' many familiar places in BC!! Many thanks for all your effort into making a great site!

WEASEL CL - 01/13/99 22:54:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Coast/1611
My Email:fantour@netnet.net
Where are you from?: Green Bay, WI
Your favorite movie?: Wayne's World

COOL PAGE! I love your background and the content you have presented. :o)

jennifer - 01/01/99 04:05:20
My Email:jenniferkchapman@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Langley, BC
How did you find this site?: looking for memories

I am presently a resident alien in the USA because I refuse to give up my Canadian citizenship. I am not allowed dual. I am always in search of a good web site with pictures & stories of the place that I keep a special place for in my heart. Keep up the reat work! I'll be spreading the word down here, eh?

Arlene - 12/22/98 22:15:07
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/TheDabbleDiner/
Where are you from?: St. Catharines, Ontario

"Season's Greetings" ~
Hi Linda. I just thought I'd drop by and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. I'm looking forward to visiting your site often in the New Year. All the best, Arlene

The Dabble Diner

I. Maynard - 12/15/98 02:18:49
My URL:http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/roccap
My Email:roc.cap@sk.sympatico.ca
Where are you from?: Rocanville
How did you find this site?: search engine

Great Canadian site!

Princess Natalie - 12/13/98 16:06:55
My URL:http://egomania.nu/
My Email:natalie@ded.com
Where are you from?: USA
Your favorite movie?: Heat
How did you find this site?: guestbook


Princess Natalie

Luann - 12/12/98 12:59:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7153/
My Email:anders-luann@postmark.net
Where are you from?: Missouri
Your favorite movie?: St Elmo's Fire

Hi I enjoyed my visit to your site. I found a lot of goodinformation and the links are great..I am going to forward it to friends..Canada is so beautiful. I would Love to visit there sometime. Stop and see mine when you get a chance.

Jeffrey Woodgate - 12/11/98 04:47:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/lane/1478
My Email:woodgate@cybersurf.net
Where are you from?: Calgary
How did you find this site?: I was strolling down Heartland Lane

Great site! Must have been quite the research project. I am going to check your links for you backgrounds source, some really nice stuff! Stop by our site and meet us if you have a chance!

Ottawa Nuts™ - 12/10/98 23:41:40
My URL:/CapitolHill/Congress/3255
My Email:ottawa_nuts@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Your favorite movie?: Seven Lives of Hamlet
How did you find this site?: pushed some buttons.. boom!


Tammie - 12/09/98 23:14:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/7362
My Email:jntworks@seark.net
Where are you from?: Arkansas...US
Your favorite movie?: To many....

Linda, your pages are wonderful!!!! I feel as if Cananda is a place that I have visited before after reading only a few pages. I can't hardly wait to read more!

Friends Always ~ Tammie

Amy - 12/09/98 22:55:32
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/oasis/niagara/26/
My Email:dart@direct.ca
Where are you from?: North Vancouver, BC
Your favorite movie?: Titanic
How did you find this site?: word of mouth

This is a fantastic site you have here. A wealth of info on every province of Canada. Keep up the good work.

Arlene a.k.a. DabL - 12/09/98 21:33:40
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/TheDabbleDiner/
My Email:DabL@excite.com
Where are you from?: St. Catharines, Ontario, CaNaDa
Your favorite movie?: Casablanca
How did you find this site?: You signed my Guestbook.

"Hey Linda" ~
What a wonderful job you've done on your site. I can't believe you have this much work done and only 65 visitors, or did you just add the counter? You've obviously been very busy for a long while. And you're so organized! It's great. I love the Newfo ndland dictionary and the Aurora Borealis page, and ... well, everything. I do have a question, "Does Manitoba use the same flag as Ontario?" Maybe they do, but it seems rather odd. I will definately bookmark this site for future reference. Great job. Happy Holidays, DabL

The Dabble Diner

Tom Storey - 11/28/98 22:39:00
My URL:http://users.uniserve.com/~tstorey/welcome.html
My Email:tstorey@uniserve.com
Where are you from?: Chilliwack B.C.
Your favorite movie?: Die Hard
How did you find this site?: Canadian Web Ring

Excellent Site. Can't find the West yet though!

Home of the British Columbia Web Ring

Chris - 11/19/98 15:44:47
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/100canada
My Email:100@canada.com
Where are you from?: Kingston, Ontario, CANADA!!!
Your favorite movie?: The Sweet Hereafter
How did you find this site?: Truly Canadian Web Site Club

Hey Buddy! Cool Site! Its great to see more and more Canadians on the web! Keep up the good work! I havea a site all about Canada too! Come see it sometime...

Vanessa - 11/18/98 19:17:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/4421
My Email:vanessawalsh@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Your favorite movie?: now - Xmas movies
How did you find this site?: surfed on

Your site is progressing nicely, I will be back to see your updates regarding the rest of Canada. Keep up the good work!

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