Thank you Birklea Snowglobes

On Jan. 24, 1999 I found out that I was a
grandmother to a beautiful baby girl.
More information on her as I can get it up here.
But after all this time Shannon and Trevor
have their baby girl.
They have waited so long and then the adoption
agency called today and she was just born.
Like I said more to come on her!!
Shannon is a mom and Trev is a dad and Ed is a grandpa
Jacque is an auntie and
I am a Grandma!!
Thank all of you for the prays you have sent.

Meet My New Granddaughter Gabriella

Thank you Carolyne aka Duckie for this

Jann's Email,, Grandma!!

Gifts or poems or what ever you want to send, send to this email Nancy
~Dreams & Wishes by Nancy~

On the next page is gifts for her. Thank you so much

Site done by Nancy, Graphics on the page by Carolyne

If you cannot hear the
the graphic and download the BEST Midi Player
on the internet!
And it's FREE!!
