Our Friends :-)

Many people walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will live in your heart.

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
- Muhammad Ali


AZ's partner in crime and fellow slut. When AZ and Alan get together there is never a dull moment... and NOTHING is sacred. He keeps the chat room in stitches and we both love him.


Annie is one of our BEST friends, we both love her more than words can say. She is fun, and easy to talk to. No topic is off limits, and she is wise beyond measure... always has great advise, and is a TRUE friend.


Without this man, we can honestly say that most of our family wouldn't exist... he's CF's daddy, and one of her favorite people in the world. He is a wise and loving man, and our only wish is that he lived closer to us so we could visit more.


Dakota is another one of AZ's slut buddies. He, Alan, and AZ are the "Three Musketeers" and when they are in the chat room together they keep us all in rolling on the floor with laughter.

Dark Angel 40 / Erotic Desire

DA is a wonderful woman, and we both love her a lot. She is more than an "online friend" we have met her in person and love her as a part of our family. She is caring and wonderfully funny, and we love spending time with her.

Dee Dee

DeeDee is a sweet and beautiful woman, and the better we get to know her the more we love her. She has a great homepage, give it a visit.
Go To Dee Dee's page


She has been one of CF's BEST r/t friends for many years, and now we have a great time chatting on line, as we live almost a thousand miles apart. The memories and the friendship we share are priceless.

Dragon Nymph

Another of AZ's adopted sisters, she's got sharp claws and a warm heart. She always has a kind word, and a hug for those who deserve it.

The Fireman

The Fireman is a real great guy, and one of CF's favorite chattin' buddies. He's funny, and sweet, and thoughtful, a Real Life HERO (ask me why), and a lot of fun to hang around with.
Go To Fireman's page


She is our sweet neighbor to the North, and close enough that we may even get to meet her one day *crossing fingers*

Jungle Woman

A sweet friend that we don't get to see much anymore. We love her very much and miss her terribly.


Kar is a true friend.. right to the end. She is funny, and smart, and caring, and one of CF's favorite sissies. A fellow Chocoholic, she's got all the best recipes, and nothing in the world can compare to her homemade Almond Roca.


The "Waffle God"... the man with the wonderful elbows... our best Bud... What more can be said, except that he is one of the best friends we've ever had, and we love him to death.
Go To NeDrgger's page


If there is anyone on the net that AZ would consider a sister, OOPSIE would be it. She is a wonderful sweet friend with a warpped sense of humor...just like AZ. We both love her dearly, and truly value her friendship.
Go To OOPS's page


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