Mommy's Page

About Me

Hi, I'm Elizabeth, Mikey's Mommy.
But everyone calls me Missy.
I am a SAHM. (Stay At Home Mom)
My husband, Eric, and I have been married for almost 1 1/2 years.
We adore our little angel and cherish everyday with him.
I am still learning about how to maintain this website.
Although I'm having fun doing it.
When I get the time!

I have meet a lot of other moms on the internet thru my webrings.
They have been soooo caring and supportive of me.
There are many times when life gets to be a handful and I know that I can ALWAYS turn to any of them for support.

I was born in California and was an Air Force Brat!
Most of my time was spent living between California and Oregon.
I moved to Arizona in 1995 and have been here every since.
I married a wonderful man and married into a wonderful family.
Both mine and Eric's family get along great and we try to get together when ever possible.
Although that's not often enough for me because of everyones work schedule. LOL!!

I am the oldest of 5 kids.
I have a younger sister and 3 brothers.
My sister and the oldest brother both have sons of their own.
Mikey has 2 cousins that love him alot.
There are also cousins. (Way to many to count!!)
Many of the kids are MY cousins, but are so young (the youngest is 6 mos) that they are closer to Mikey then to me.
I'm more like Aunt Missy rather than cousin Missy :~)