Preperation for your new web site

Welcome to Lesson 1.  The first thing you will need to do is to think of what you would want to put on your web site.   You should remember that your page should be in the same "theme" as your neighborhood you are in in GeoCities.  

Once you have determined what is going to be on your web site, you're going to need to look for graphics.  Ahh yes.. the wonderful graphics that add beauty and spunk to your site.

*Note* we will be using graphics that I provide to create your basic site. However the information given will help you when you need to find graphics for your site.

My favorite place to get graphics is from my homestead Heartland. They have a great directory of graphics for your homestead. Feel free to browse these graphics and use them for you site.  If you don't find what you are looking for, do a search withing geocities for graphics. If you are looking for a particular graphic like a star, try typing in star.gif in the search box.  This will give you a list of web sites that have a star.gif in their directory.  

When you find a graphic you want to use, put your mouse over the graphic and right click your mouse.  This will bring up the option to "Save As"   It's a good idea to store your graphics in the same place for easy access. For this tutorial it is suggested you create a directory called Poet

*Note* be careful when using someone elses graphics.  There may be a copyright on them.  Either put a link to their web site stating "Graphics by (whoever)" So they get credit.   I will show you how to put links on your site in later lessons.

Don't worry about getting graphics at this point. I just wanted to cover the basic idea of getting graphics for your web site.  Once you learn the basic principle of getting graphics, you are ready to move to lesson 2.

Introduction                   Lesson 2