MCL:Family Room


Hi, glad that you would like to know a little about my family and I. Let me start off by saying that I am from New Jersey, but moved to Florida back in 1991 where I met my husband. We dated til February 4,1998 when we got married. We have two beautiful children together. One boy that is three and a daughter that is a year old. I am so grateful for such a wonderful husband and two loving kids.

I am currently going to school and hoping to pursue my bachelor's degree in Computer Science starting in August of 1999. I owe it to my husband and my grandfather for being the two most wonderful people in my life. Thank you for helping me through school! I love you both so much! As far as the rest of the family, I thank you for helping me out and being there for me always! I love you all so much.

I enjoy making webpages and creating my own graphics. I hope to start my own web designing business, so if your interested, please email me. Thanks to my mother-in-law for getting me addicted to designing websites:) I also enjoy spending time with my family, crafts and just love country decor.

If you would like to know about me or just to chat email me at or icq #24579622.

I also belong to a variety of different clubs on the internet and I am involved in the Community Leader Program at Geocities. My blocks are in Heartland Lake 5000 through 5499. Lake is a new burb in Geocities. Visit the Heartland Lake Lodge. Heartland is a neighborhood devoted to families. I really enjoy being a CL. I love helping other people and really enjoy when I get a email from a homesteader.

I am also on the Award of Excellence , Heartland University , Heartland Safe Site , Heartland Hospitality Committee and Heartland Angels

If you between the ages of 12-18, why don't you think of about joining the Garden Girls. I am also a project leader there in charge of helping the girls with any questions or problems they may have with their websites.
Im a mommy

Besides going to school, I am a mother of two wonderful kids. So, as you can see, I am a very busy!

Well, thats all for now. I will try to keep you updated with any new changes.

Mommy Poem

Updated last on March 17, 1999

Graphics by:
Graphics Garden and Susie's Graphics

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