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ABOVE:  A Barramundi taken at night using a Rapala (Shallow Shad Rap - 8cm, painted black) with a G Loomis IM6 C661 and ABU 2500C loaded with 8lb test line.

I am a 28 year old ABU collector from Singapore. This passion of collecting ABU reels had its humble beginnings in 1984 when I started to go fishing. As a little boy, I use to see my dad coming home from overnight boat fishing trips in the morning with a plastic pail full of fishes.  For me, these moments ignited my interest but I was always being told that I was too young to go fishing !

It was not until the age of 13 when my persistency rewarded me with a set of fishing tackle from my dad. No, it was not an ABU but a Shimano fishing reel, a solid fiberglass rod and some hooks & sinkers which came together as a kit.  It did not take long for me to notice the brand ABU. In those day, we have a representative in Singapore "Chop Hock Heng" which also operates a retail outlet in Beach Road.  One day, I was given a copy of "Tight Lines - 1984".  For months, I read this catalogue admiring its beautiful reels - only dreaming to own one in the future.

In 1988, I finally saved enough money to buy my first ABU. It was a 6500C which went on to serve me many years ! Subsequent purchase include an Ambassadeur XLT2 and a reproduction of the classic 2500C.

The thought of actually collecting ABU reels was furthest away from me until 1993 when I bought a ABU 70th Anniversary 6000C Limited Edition Reel while studying in Glasgow, UK. These reels were styled after the original 5000 / 6000 Ambassadeurs and made in limited numbers of 6000 pieces world wide with serialization on its reel foot. It comes with the old styles leather casing, spares tube etc.  In the same year I also bought a number of the tournament casting ABU Ambassadeur 6000CT made for the UK market as well as a couple of early 6000 from an antique tackle dealer in Edinburgh.

Due to career commitments, I am not able to go fishing as often as I like. My favorite style of fishing remains casting lures in the estuary with a 8lb / 10lb baitcaster outfit consisting of my favorite ABU - 2500C and a 5.5 footer casting rod (G Loomis IM6 - C661). Lately, I have been putting more and more attention into a more exciting style of fishing - fly fishing. Away from the water, I will normally spent time tinkering with my reels, tying flies or building a fishing rod either for myself or my friends.

Sebarau on Fly

ABOVE: A nice Sebarau caught on a size 8 Charlie. Tackle: GLoomis 5wt IMX 9', Abel Clear Creek 2.

As I am still in the early stages of collecting and learning about ABU reels, I would like to talk to as many people in the world as possible about ABU reels. If you have good photos or scan of any reels that will make this a better page please sent it to me and I will put it up as soon as possible. It will also help if you have some basic information about the reel (age, original pricing etc..).  Otherwise, please feel free to contact me if you wish to just discuss about ABUs or to talk fishing !!!



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CopyRight © 2001  EJ Gay
This website was last updated on  06 July 1999
All Rights Reserved ®

Disclaimer : The content of this site are provided "as is"   with the sole objective of sharing information among collectors worldwide. I cannot be responsible for the accuracy of its content. Every information serves only as a guide.  More importantly, I DO NOT speak on behalf of ABU Garcia or represent them in anyway.

Lets Talk ABU !!!