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Useful Information

Among the many questions people have about ABU reels, the most frequently asked ones would be the meaning of those numbers stamped on the reel foot. This number can usually tell the approximate age of the reel. In most cases, these number are not serialized or unique to each reel except for some limited edition models.  These numbers usually indicate the production code which can mean a different design, manufacturing process or material change. Associated with these numbers will be the year in which this code was implemented. (For example, 741120 would be different from 750030). There is no consistency in the way ABU number the reel foot but with a little experience combing servral other factors like design etc.. one can usually tell the approximate age. A useful rule which I learn from a tackle dealer in UK:

4 figure numbers Found in 5000 De Luxes and 5000C Deluxes spanning early 1960s to 1970s Smooth foot
5 figure numbers Sometimes found in mid 50s record ambassadeurs and very early Ambassadeur 5000. Also found in reels made in the late 60s / early 70s especially the 5000C. Smooth foot
6 figure numbers Late 1950s to 1960s, numbers running from 1xxxxxx to 9xxxxxx. Found in early Ambassadeur 5000 and 6000 (ribbed sideplates) Smooth foot
6 figure numbers Late 60s / early 70s. Middle two digits indicating year. ie xx08xx - 1968 Smooth foot
1970s 6 figure numbers, first 2 or middle 2 numbers as read ie 71xxxx or xx71xx - 1971 Checkered foot
1980s Same as 70s but usually first 2 digits ie 82xxxx - 1982 Checkered foot
Late 80s / early 90s 3 pair of numbers separated by "-" Checkered foot
Late 90s 6 figures, usually the last digit. i.e. 060006 or 040006 refers to a reel made in 1996 Checkered foot

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CopyRight © 2001  EJ Gay
This website was last updated on  16 March 1999
All Rights Reserved ®

Disclaimer : The content of this site are provided "as is"   with the sole objective of sharing information among collectors worldwide. I cannot be responsible for the accuracy of its content. Every information serves only as a guide.  More importantly, I DO NOT speak on behalf of ABU Garcia or represent them in anyway.

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