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reprinted with permission from


Saturday November 7, 1998 Vol. II #28,

ISSN: 1520-8036

Copyright (c) 1998 MS. BZ Riger-Hull. All Rights Reserved.

A simple healing meditation:

Your thoughts create your reality. Some may say that this is ridiculous, but I have found this to be very true both with negative and positive results.

Science has been studying the correlation between what we think and its effects on physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. There is now a large volume of scientific evidence that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions produce powerful biochemical that create striking physiological changes in us. Even better than a magic pill the answer lies inside us all. We can change our thoughts at work, driving our kids to play practice, after school, or while we stir the ingredients of this great new recipe we are trying. Meditation is simply a form of consciously relaxing.

Taking a few minutes each day to "choose to relax", with a little practice you can learn to consciously relax during your daily activities.

A daily healing meditation:

Begin your meditation by lying down on a carpeted surface or sitting in a comfortable chair with back support. Start to relax your body with tense and relax exercises. Tense the muscles in your face and then relax them. Visualize all of the lines, tight areas and tension lifting from your face. Continue this exercise through your whole body. Concentrate on one area at a time. Your neck, shoulders, and hands. People often hold a lot of tension in their hands. Feel the tension stream out from your fingertips. Continue through your back, hips, and legs.

Be very thorough with your feet. Begin with a gentle foot message and then the same technique of tensing and relaxing that you used on the rest of your body.

Now focus on your breathing. Close your right nostril and inhale through your left. Hold the breath for three counts then exhale expelling all the air from your lungs, repeat closing your left nostril. Do this breathing exercise for 4 sets. Close your eyes and find any areas that still may be tense. Gently work on these areas.

Visualize a warm bright light. Feeling the lights pure loving energy through the crown of your head and spreading warmth and peace to all areas of your body. You can visualize this healing white light streaming from your fingers and toes pulling any toxins and negative energy from your cells.

Quietly say these affirmations to yourself:

I am safe surrounded by this healing white light.

Breathing in this light I am connected with divine energy.

I am worthy of this healing light.

I can feel my body being purified and healed by this light.

I will keep this positive healing energy with me throughout the day.

I feel happy, healthy, and at peace.

Before you go to bed is a very good time to practice this meditation. Do it every night for three weeks and you will increase your ability to relax throughout the day just by thinking of this exercise. Keep a note pad by your bed to jot down any insights you may gain from your dreams, as you become more relaxed and balanced.



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