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Armstrong Genealogy Infomation

 Family Tree - Armstrongs, Braswells and Allied Families


This was all the information I had. Found my grandfather Samuel Armstrong April 2004. So, never stop looking.

My father, John Melton ARMSTRONG, was born 8/21/1884 in St. Joseph, MO. He was 48 years old when he married my mother (she was 20) and this was, as far as I know, his second marriage. They were divorced in 1933. The only information I have is a letter my father wrote to my grandmother May 24, 1956 from Plant City, FL. At this time my father was 72 years old.

I am looking for information to his reference to "Merrils Black Horse". It could be Merrill, Merritt or ? and is probably Union Cavalry. See below for his regiment, 2nd Regiment, Missouri Cavalry (Merrill's Horse) 1861-1865. Found it 6/3/2003 (only took 47 years and 9 days to find it!)


"Dear Nan,

In answer to your letter? Father John M Armstrong can not tell you what the M. stands for. Irish from No. of Ireland. Came from Phil., PA. Quaker did not smoke, drink, cuss or gamble, church members very strict but a good Dad. Served his hitch Union Army Colonel under Merrils Black horse. Postmaster and Internal Rev. Col. under McKinley, St Joseph MO. father died and mother served the rest of his term. Mother Francis Melton Armstrong. British from London, very strait laced church woman. Married dad in New York City. I was named after dad and mother. They changed my name to Jack in Wash. State where lived 6 years.

All my love,


This was all the information I have. The SSDI had his name spelled wrong (ARMSTRON without the g). Soundex found it. Also there is a good chance that he left out a few generations. The Union Army tour and the appointment by McKinley as postmaster are many years apart. His son, my father, was 48 when I was born. It looks like my grandfather was 44 when my father was born. Can not go by age all the time and this has slowed down the search.


Descendants of Samuel Armstrong


Generation No. 1


1. SAMUEL1 ARMSTRONG was born Abt. 1817 in New York, and died Aft. 1849. He married ? UNKNOWN Bef. 1838. She was born Abt. 1817.



From An early history of the Armstrong Family, published in "Notable Southern Families" :


"The family of Armstrong derives its name from the following circumstance: An ancient King of Scotland had his horse killed under him in battle. Fairbairn, His armor bearer, immediately grasped the King by the thigh and set him upon his own horse. For this assistance at such a critical moment the King rewarded him with lands on the Border, and to perpetuate the memory of so important a service, as well as the extraordinary manner in which it was performed, the King gave him the appellation "Armstrong" and assigned him for a crest an armed arm and hand grasping a leg in armor.


The hero of the exploit, "Siward the Armstrong" Earl of Northumberland, first of the name and ancestor of the renowned Border Family of Armstrong, was one of those stalwart figures who will never pass away from the pages of history and tradition. In His physical strength and prowess, wit and wisdom, loftiness of character, defiance of danger and death, he was remarkable. He was undoubtedly a Christian, for he built the Minster of York, but he reminds us of those old heroes of the Edda, from whom his ancestors were said to have descended. He acquired honor for England by his successful conduct of the only foreign enterprise undertaken during the reign of Edward the Confessor. (Johannes Brinston, Saxe Gramatieur, George Stephens).


Duncan, King of Scotland, was a prince of gentle disposition, and lacked the genius for governing so turbulent a country as Scotland, and one so infested by the intrigues and animosities of the great Macbeth. Siward embraced, by Edward's orders, the protection of the distressed royal family. He marched an army into Scotland, and, having defeated Macbeth in battle, restored Malcolm, Duncan's son, to the throne of his ancestors. This service, added to his former connection with the royal family of Scotland, brought great accession to the authority of Siward in the North.


Soon after his return from this campaign he was attacked by a fatal disorder. As he felt his end approaching he said to his attendants, "Lift me up that I may die on my legs like a soldier, not couching like a cow. Dress me in my coat of mail, cover my head with my helmet, put my shield on my left arm and my battle axe in my right hand that I may die under arms."


Ingulf's record of his death reads as follows: "In the year of our Lord 1056, Siward the brave Earl of Northumberland, departed this life and was buried in the cloister of the monastery of Saint Mary, which he had built without the walls of the city of York." Siward was a Dane and he was much beloved by his Northumberland.


Siward married twice. His son by the first wife, called Young Siward in Macbeth, was killed by Macbeth in the battle of Dunsinmore. Siward married for his second wife Aelfled, daughter of Alfred, Earl of Northumberland, and through her acquired that title and great authority. The Northumbrians were of Danish extractions and rejoiced at being ruled by the great Earl who was of Danish blood. His son by Aelfled succeeded to the title, and his daughter by Aelfled married David I, King of Scotland."


From Early Families of Herkimer County, New York:


In 1723 a number of Palatine families were allowed to take up lands in the Mohawk Valley of New York. Those settling in the bounds of the present county of Herkimer were known as the Burnetsfield Patentees, after the name of the grant made by New York Governor William Burnet, and are the subject of this formidable work. Initially called Burnetsfield, in the Kingsland District, the early Herkimer County area was variously referred to as Stone Ridge, The Flats, the Falls, and most commonly as German Flats. Between 1723 and 1755 the original Burnetsfield settlers were joined by other Palatine families, and by the time of the American Revolution the area was a prosperous, almost utopian, community.


This book deals with the families established in the area before the Revolution, and detailed genealogies are given for the following families: Armstrong, Ayer, Barsh, Bashor, Baum, Bauman, Bell, Bellinger, Brodhack, Campbell, Christman, Clepsattle, Coens, Crim, Cunningham, Davis, DeMuth, Dockstader, Dornberger, Dygert, Eckler, Edick, Eysaman, Feller, Folts, Fox, Frank, Fulmer, Getman, Gray, Hager, Harter, Hartman, Helmer, Herkimer, Hess, Hilts, Hiser, Hockstatter, Hoyer, Huber, Kast, Kessler, Korsing, Lant, Leiper, Lentz, Lighthall, McGinnes, McKoom, Meyer, Miller, Moak, Orendorf, Osterhout, Petrie, Petry, Pfeiffer, Rasback, Richards, Riegal, Riema, Riemensneider, Ritter, Rosencrantz, Schell, Scherer, Schutt, Schuyler, Seghner, Shoemaker, Skinner, Small, Smith, Spohn, Stahring, Steele, Thumb, Weaver, Wentz, Witherstine, Witrig, and Wholeben.



 From "History of Buchanan County, Missouri" Published 1881, St. Joseph Steam Printing Company,


Samuel was a native of New York and moved with his family to Jerseyville, Illinois 1849.




Children of SAMUEL ARMSTRONG and ? UNKNOWN are:

2. i. JOHN M.2 ARMSTRONG, b. Mar 31, 1838, Centerville, Bucks Co., Pennsylvania; d. Abt. 1907, St. Joseph, Buchcanan, MO.

ii. GEORGE B. ARMSTRONG, b. Oct 08, 1846.



Biographical Sketch of J. M. Armstong, St. Joseph, Buchanan County, MO

(see John M. Armstrong for his Sketch)


Biographical Sketch of George B. Armstrong, St. Joseph, Buchanan County, MO


From "History of Buchanan County, Missouri, Published 1881, St. Joseph

Steam Printing Company, Printers, Binders, Etc., St. Joseph, Missouri.



Armstrong Brothers, the live and spicy business men of St. Joseph,

justly merit the rank they occupy. In the browning of coffee, man-

ufacture of baking powder and spices, their trade has grown from a

small beginning until it stands among the prominent industries of

the city.


George B. Armstrong, was born in Centerville, Bucks County,

Pennsulvania, on October 8, 1846. In 1849, he came to Jerseyville,

Illinois, with his parents, where he was educated and was engaged

in farming until the autumn of 1866, when he became a resident of

St. Joseph. He engaged in the grocery trade in the spring of 1867,

and has since been closely associated with the business interests

of the city. In 1870, he married Miss Mary E. Mapstone, of Chicago.

 Mr. Armstrong is a member of the A.O.U.W.



  This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb

  Archives by: Penny Harrell <>






Generation No. 2


2. JOHN M.2 ARMSTRONG (SAMUEL1) was born Mar 31, 1838 in Centerville, Bucks Co., Pennsylvania, and died Abt. 1907 in St. Joseph, Buchcanan, MO. He married (1) AMELIA ESPY 1864 in ST. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO. She was born Abt. 1838, and died Bef. 1870 in St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO. He married (2) JENNIE MILTON 1871 in New York City, NY per son John. She was born Abt. 1850 in New York, and died Aft. 1907 in St. Joseph, Buchcanan, MO.



My father, his son, in a letter in 1956 said that John was appointed Post Master of St. Joseph by Pres. McKinley. McKinley was shot 1901 so the appointment would be before 1901. Also, daddy said he died before he finished his term and his wife finished out his term. At the moment I think John M. died about 1907. Researching and digging!






2nd Regiment, Missouri Cavalry (Merrill's Horse)


Organized at Benton Barracks, Mo., by Captain Lewis Merrill, U. S. A., under authority of General Fremont, September 3 to December 11, 1861. (Co. "L" organized at St. Louis, Mo., January 1, 1863, and Co. "M" at Warrenton June 30, 1863.) Before organization of Regiment was completed ordered to march to Springfield, Mo., September, 1861. Fremont's Campaign against Springfield, Mo., September-October. At Sedalia, Mo., till January, 1862. Scout through Saline County December 3-12, 1861. Expedition to Milford December 15-19. Shawnee Mound or Milford, Blackwater River, December 18. Roan's Tan Yard, Silver Creek, January 8, 1862. Knobnoster January 22. Attached to Dept. of Missouri September, 1861, to January, 1862. District of Northeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Arkansas Expedition, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of Arkansas, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee, to muster out.


SERVICE.-Moved to Northern Missouri and duty at Columbia, Glasgow, Sturgeon, Paris, Huntsville, Palmyra and Warrenton, operating against guerrillas January, 1862, to June, 1863. Expedition into Schuyler and Scotland Counties, Porter's and Poindexter's guerrillas, July 12-August 8, 1862. Near Memphis, Mo., July 18. Brown Springs July 27. Moore's Mills, near Fulton, July 28. Kirksville August 6 (Detachment). Pursuit of Poindexter August 8-15, with skirmishes at Grand River, Lee's Ford, Chariton River and Walnut Creek, near Stockton, August 9. Switzler's Mill August 10. Little Compton Ferry, Yellow Creek, August 11. Roanoke September 6 (Detachment). Scotland and Boone Counties September 30 (Detachment). Joined Davidson's Cavalry Division at Pilot Knob June, 1863. Expedition to Little Rock, Ark., July 1-September 10. Grand Prairie August 17. Brownsville August 25. Bayou Metoe or Reed's Bridge August 27. Reconnoissance from Brownsville August 29. Bear Skin Lake, Ashby's Mills, September 7. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Pursuit of Price September 11-13. Near Little Rock September 11. Duty at Little Rock till March, 1864. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 23-May 3, Benton Road March 23-24. Okolona April 2-3. Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Camden April 15-18. Moro Bottom April 25-26. Jenkins' Ferry, Saline River, April 30. Scatterville July 28. Duty in Arkansas till September. Operating against Price September and October. Booneville, Mo., October 9-12. Little Blue October 21. Big Blue, State Line, October 22. Westport October 23. Battle of Charlot October 25. Mine Creek, Osage River, Marias des Cygnes, October 25. Grierson's Expedition from Memphis against Mobile & Ohio Railroad December 21, 1864, to January 15 1865 (Co. "E"). Near Memphis February 9 (Detachment). Moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., and duty operating against guerrillas in Georgia and Alabama and escorting trains from Chattanooga to Atlanta January to September, 1865. Mustered out September 19, 1865.


Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 53 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 205 Enlisted men by disease. Total 262.


2nd Regiment, Missouri Cavalry (Merrill's Horse)

Displaying records 55 --59 out of 3306

No. Last, First Company Rank_In Rank_Out


55 Armstrong, James Private Private

56 Armstrong, John M. F&S Corporal First Lieutenant (my grandfather, Liz Armstrong Braswell)

57 Armstrong, William F. M Private Private

58 Armstrong, William L. K Private Private

59 Armstrong, William P. K Corporal Corporal



St. Joseph Daily Gazette, Aug 12, 1868

Real Estate Transfers. -- The following conveyances were filed in the Recorders office yesterday: John BURLINGTON to J. M. ARMSTRONG; warrantee deed for lot 4 in block 19, Robidoux's addition to St. Joseph. Consideration $1,500.




U.S. Census 1880, St. Joseph, MO


John M. Armstrong W/M/42 Head Grocer Penn/Penn/Penn

Jennie M. W/F/32 Wife Keep House MO/England/England

Thomas E. W/M/14 Son School MO/MO/Penn

Beattie W/M/6 Son School MO/MO/Penn

Fannie Eliz. W/F/2 Dau MO/MO/Penn


Tate, Eliz W/F/24 domestic Servant IN/KY/KY




Biographical Sketch of J. M. Armstong, St. Joseph, Buchanan County, MO

Biographical Sketch of George B. Armstrong, St. Joseph, Buchanan County, MO


From "History of Buchanan County, Missouri, Published 1881, St. Joseph

Steam Printing Company, Printers, Binders, Etc., St. Joseph, Missouri.



Armstrong Brothers, the live and spicy business men of St. Joseph,

justly merit the rank they occupy. In the browning of coffee, man-

ufacture of baking powder and spices, their trade has grown from a

small beginning until it stands among the prominent industries of

the city. J. M. Armstrong was born in Centerville, Bucks County,

Pennsylvania, on March 31, 1838. His father, Samuel, was a native

of New York, and removed to Jerseyville, Illinois, with his family

in 1849. The subject of this sketch was raised to manhood, spending

his time when not attending the common schools, in tilling the soil

in Jersey County. In September, 1861, he tendered his services to

the Union cause in Illinois, but as the call on that state had been

filled, was not accepted; consequently he came to Missouri and en-

listed in Company A, Second Missouri Cavalry. He was mustered in as

a private, and by regular promotion, in May, 1862, he made First

Lieutenant of Company G, serving faithfully his allotted time, and

was honorably discharged in 1864. At Little Rock he raised the

Union flag to its position on the State House. Came to St. Joseph,

and engaged as clerk in the Patee House, and soon became one of the

proprietors, the firm being Espy & Armstrong. After continuing in

the hotel business for a time, he branched out into other pursuits,

eventually becoming a clerk in the grocery of W. H. Floyd. In 1867,

he engaged in the grocery trade in company with George B., which

continued until 1881, when the present business was established. He

has been twice married, first to Miss Amelia Espy, in 1864. By this

union, they had two children, one of whom, Thomas, is living, and

Robert, deceased. Mrs. Armstrong died a few years later. He was

again married, in 1871, to Miss Jennie Milton, of New York. They

have two children, Beattie and Fannie. George B. Armstrong, was born

in Centerville, Bucks County, Pennsulvania, on October 8, 1846. In

1849, he came to Jerseyville, Illinois, with his parents, where he

was educated and was engaged in farming until the autumn of 1866,

when he became a resident of St. Joseph. He engaged in the grocery

trade in the spring of 1867, and has since been closely associated

with the business interests of the city. In 1870, he married Miss

Mary E. Mapstone, of Chicago. Mr. Armstrong is a member of the




  This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb

  Archives by: Penny Harrell <>




St. Joseph, Missouri Directories, 1887-1890:


Name Business Name Occupation Location 1 Location 2 City State Year

John M. Armstrong coffee and spices 413 Edmond r. 715 Main Saint Joseph MO 1887

John M. Armstrong coffee and spices 413 Edmond r. 723 Main Saint Joseph MO 1888

John M. Armstrong wholesale coffee and spices 413 Edmond r. 723 main St. Joseph MO 1889

John M. Armstrong coffees, spices, &c. 413 Edmond r 723 n. Main St. Joseph MO 1890


John M. Armstrong round house K. C. S. J. & C. B. R. R. foreman r. 1918 s. 10th St. Joseph MO 1889

John M. Armstrong K. C. St. J. & C. B. railway foreman r 2120 Faraon St. Joseph MO 1890












John Melton Armstrong tells that his mother was from London, England. Married his father in NY City. This needs to be researched.


John M. was Post Master in St. Joseph, MO. I have been told he died 1907 and his wife Frances finished out his term. President McKinnley may have appointed him before 1901 as McKinnley was killed 1901.





i. THOMAS3 ARMSTRONG, b. 1866, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO; d. Aft. 1881, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO.

ii. ROBERT ARMSTRONG, b. 1868, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO; d. Bef. 1881, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO.



Robert is deceased by 1880 and listed as deceased in the 1881 History of Buchanan Co.


1870 US Census Buchanan Co., MO

Armstrong, John M. 36 M W Ret. Grocer Penn

Armstrong, Thomas E. 4 M W MO

Armstrong, Robert 2 M W MO

Espy, Kate 17 W F House Keeper Ohio

Brown Jane 30 F W Dom. Servant Ireland


1880 US Census Buchanan Co., MO

Thomas E. 14




iii. BEATTIE3 ARMSTRONG, b. Aft. 1872.

iv. FANNIE ARMSTRONG, b. Aft. 1873.

3. v. JOHN MELTON ARMSTRONG, b. Aug 21, 1884, St. Joseph, Buchcanan, MO; d. Jun 19, 1967, Lakeland, Polk, FL.



Generation No. 3


3. JOHN MELTON3 ARMSTRONG (JOHN M.2, SAMUEL1) was born Aug 21, 1884 in St. Joseph, Buchcanan, MO, and died Jun 19, 1967 in Lakeland, Polk, FL. He married (1) ? UNKNOWN Bef. 1906 in Missouri. She was born Abt. 1885, and died Bef. 1920. He married (2) AURELIA NAOMI TOMPKINS JOYNER 1930 in Probably in Florida, daughter of PRENTISS TOMPKINS and NANCY JOYNER. She was born Aug 05, 1911 in Bradenton, Manatee, FL, and died Jan 02, 1983 in Joshua Tree, CA.



[Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-K, Ed. 7, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jun 7, 2001, Internal Ref. #]


Individual: Armstron, John (name misspelled)

Social Security #: 261-28-3406

Issued in: Florida

Birth date: Aug 21, 1884

Death date: Jun 1967

Residence code: Florida

ZIP Code of last known residence: 33801

Primary location associated with this ZIP Code:

Lakeland, Florida (he is buried in Lakeland also)


Census 1920:

Armstrong, John M

 Age: 37 Year:1920

 Birthplace: Missouri Roll: T625_907

 Race: White Page: 11A

 State: Missouri ED: 80

 County: Buchanan

 Image: 0634

 Township: Saint Joseph





'Aurelia' means golden. There was a St. Aurelia in the Middle Ages in Austria. She was a princess who joined a Benedictine abbey in Salzburg and remained a recluse there until her death in 1027.


In my life there was also an Aurelia--my mother, whose last years are shrouded in mystery.


Aurelia Naomi Tompkins was born August 5, 1911, in Bradenton, Manatee, Florida. She was the daughter of Nancy Elizabeth Joyner and Earl Tompkins. She grew up in Bradenton, Manatee, Florida. In 1930, Aurelia married John Melton Armstrong, son of John and Frances (Melton) Armstrong. John Melton Armstrong was born August 21, 1884 in St. Joseph, Buchanan County, MO.


Aurelia and John Armstrong had one child. I am that child, their daughter, Elizabeth Anne "Liz" Armstrong. I was born August 10, 1931, in Quincy, Gadsden County, FL.


Aurelia and John were divorced in 1934. I do know that my father, John Melton Armstrong, died June 19, 1967, in Lakeland, Polk County, FL.


Aurelia traveled much in her life and married several times. I have obtained information from the Social Security Office that provide the outline of her life from 1937 to her death. Earlier information comes from me as I lived it. After her divorce in 1934 from my father, Aurelia married James White who was born in Scotland about 1903. "Jimmy" White was a wonderful person who cared for me as though I were his daughter. I loved him dearly.


For reasons I do not know, Aurelia and "Jimmy" White were divorced. Shortly afterward, in 1937, Aurelia changed her name to Aurelia Joyner and had a new Social Security card issued showing that name.


After a while, Aurelia and "Jimmy" White remarried. I know that I was in Atlanta, GA, between 1936 and 1938 and I assume they remarried during that time..


In 1943, Aurelia and "Jimmy" White were again divorced. I was sent back to Bradenton, FL, to live with my maternal grandmother, Nancy (Joyner) Kempson. My next contact with "Jimmy" was 1950 when I come home on leave from the Air Force. I did meet his bride, Judy from England, who he had met during the war, about 1944. Judy was an ambulance driver. If I could have picked my father it would have been Jimmy, he was a very kind and wonderful person to me and everyone he met.


In 1945, Aurelia contacted the Social Security Administration and officially changed her name to Aurelia White.


In 1947, she again contacted the Social Security Administration and had her name changed to Aurelia Warren. This marriage was annulled as he did not bother to mention he was already married.


There is indication that Aurelia married an Aarseth in 1948 in Seattle, WA. In any event, in 1948 she contacted the Social Security Administration and had them change her name to Aurelia Aarseth. After their divorce, Aurelia moved to Reno, Nevada and then to New Orleans, Louisiana when -- suddenly -- she dropped from sight in April 1952. All contact ceased and attempts to establish contact failed.


Once it became obvious that something was terribly amiss, an intense search began through all possible avenues available to the family. We contacted Missing Persons and the Red Cross. I was in the United States Air Force at the time and contacted the FBI. J. Edgar Hoover wrote directly to me and, under his signature, informed me that the FBI had no information about Aurelia.


How could that be true? She had a top secret clearance in the Civil Service during World War II and was assigned to a Hickam Field, Hawaii after completing "blue print" school in Nevada. How could the FBI not know such facts that should be easily obtainable by them? Which leads to the most intriguing question of all: Why would the FBI deny knowledge of Aurelia?


 (Just this moment, May 5, 2002, it occurred to me if they changed her name to Evelyn Young then they would not or could not tell me about Aurelia?)


Only one clue emerged from our frantic efforts to find Aurelia. In 1952, a former landlady in Reno, Nevada, sent us a return address for Aurelia. That address was for the Mississippi Atom Bomb Research site.


In 1954, Aurelia changed her name again with the Social Security Administration, only this time both her first and last names were changed. She became Evelyn M. Young.


There is an Evelyn Merritt Young in our family, and we strongly suspect Aurelia drew upon her family history for her new name. From subsequent research we have learned that the federal government did help employees involved in highly sensitive work change their complete identities in order to protect them and their family members from blackmail and threats.


Is this what happened to Aurelia? Aurelia had a photographic memory and should have been quite valuable in the super-spy-charged atmosphere of the Cold War period. Was she being protected? Did she perhaps know things or learn things that put her life in danger? Who, if anyone, was after her? And why?


In 1963, Evelyn/Aurelia married William G. Brose. William G. Brose was born November 24, 1910 and died in September, 1984 in Los Angeles.


Aurelia herself died January 2, 1983 in the hospital in Twenty-Nine Palms, California. The name on her death certificate is Evelyn M. Brose, Social Security number 253-18-4409. Her birth date (August 5, 1911) was correctly given. She was, however, listed as a widow whose birthplace was unknown. Her father's name was recorded as William H. Young and Nancy Turner was listed as her mother. Sylvester M. Byrd was recorded as Executor with the address Route 2, POB 100A, Twenty-Nine Palms, CA 92277.


If you know, or even think you might know, anything about Aurelia or any of the people involved in her, please contact me. I only want to solve the mysteries surrounding my Aurelia.



Information on Death Certificate , Dist #3600, Cert. # 00023, 1/2/1983:

  Evelyn M. Brose, SS# 253-18-4409

  Born 8/5/1911 Widow Birthplace unknown

  Father: William H. Young Mother: Nancy Turner

  Name and address of informant at the hospital in Twenty-Nine Palms, CA

  Sylvester M. Byrd, Executor

  St. Rt. 2, P.O. Box 100A

  Twenty-Nine Palms, CA 92277


This is a "time-line" of confirmed information:

(Remember women change their names after marriage when they work.)

1930 married John Melton Armstrong, divorced 1934

1934 married James White, divorced

1937 Aurelia Joyner (changed name SS)

19?? married James White second time, divorced 1943

1945 Aurelia White (changed name SS)

1947 Aurelia Warren (changed name SS) marriage annulled, he was already married.

1948 Aurelia Aarseth (changed name SS) married Aarseth 1948

1952 dropped from sight

1954 Evelyn M. Young (changed name SS)

1963 married William G. Brose who died 1984 in CA.

1983 died in CA



One added fact, Aurelia never collected any money from Social Security, no record of any payments anywhere.





i. JOHN MELTON4 ARMSTRONG, JR., b. 1906, Missouri; d. Jun 06, 1944, France.



John was in WWII as a glider pilot. He was killed D-Day, June 1944, on landing in a hedgerow in Europe.




4. ii. ELIZABETH ANNE4 ARMSTRONG, b. Aug 10, 1931, Quincy, Gadsden, FL.



Generation No. 4


4. ELIZABETH ANNE4 ARMSTRONG (JOHN MELTON3, JOHN M.2, SAMUEL1) was born Aug 10, 1931 in Quincy, Gadsden, FL. She married SAMUEL COLEMAN BRASWELL Aug 31, 1954 in Ealing, Middlesex, England, son of HARVEY BRASWELL and SARAH SMITH. He was born Jun 10, 1932 in Goldthwaite, Mills, TX.



This is now Jan. 2004 and I just realized there is nothing here about me. So, I will try to write something that the children might enjoy someday. My 72 years has been very full of many things and many people. Even the hard times had wonderful moments with them. I gues you could say, we made lemonade our of the "lemons" that came our way. No regrets now.


Note: Mt. Zion, GA


Dear friend and relative of Lud and Queen Nixon, Margaret Ann Nixon was born about 1930 or 1929 and she married a GA State Senator and moved to Atlanta in the early 1950's. She lived up the road from Lud and Queen with her widowed mother, Earnestine Nixon. I do not know Earnestine's maiden name. Margaret Ann and I were in high school. My grandmother was married to Greg Kempson and he was a relative of Lud Nixon. We visited one time when I was only about 5 and it was wonderful. There was a train (like in the funny papers, only the engine with seats in the middle and it could go forward and backward. What a "hoot". Uncle Lud would take me with him Sunday mornings to get the paper in Carrollton, a nearby town.


Carroll Co. GA Marriage Records:

NIXON, Margaret Ann m. PERKINS, Clifford Carlyle 18 March 1950


We lived in Mt. Zion, Georgia for a couple of years, from 1946 until about 1948. Nancy, my grandmother, had promised Uncle Lud that if anything ever happened to him she would take care of Annie, his wife. Lud died and we moved to the 100 acre farm in Georgia. This was a life altering experiance for me. I will always treasure the memories of that time in Georgia. Margaret Ann was a little older than me but a wonderful friend.


To be continued. (I hope)




5. i. CHRISTINA ELIZABETH5 BRASWELL, b. May 13, 1956, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co, CA.

6. ii. NANCY MARIE BRASWELL, b. Dec 14, 1958, Redlands, San Bernardino Co., CA.

iii. JOYCE ANN BRASWELL, b. Jan 21, 1963, Sanford, Seminole, FL.



Generation No. 5


5. CHRISTINA ELIZABETH5 BRASWELL (ELIZABETH ANNE4 ARMSTRONG, JOHN MELTON3, JOHN M.2, SAMUEL1) was born May 13, 1956 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co, CA. She married CHRIS PATTERSON Apr 03, 1978 in Arlington, TX. He was born Abt. 1955 in Texas.




ii. PHILLIP PATTERSON, b. Jul 27, 1981.



6. NANCY MARIE5 BRASWELL (ELIZABETH ANNE4 ARMSTRONG, JOHN MELTON3, JOHN M.2, SAMUEL1) was born Dec 14, 1958 in Redlands, San Bernardino Co., CA. She met (1) BILLY BECK Sep 01, 1979. He was born Dec 06, 1952 in Temple, Bell Co., TX. She married (2) DAMON AVERY VEAZEY, JR 1993 in Oscar, Bell Co, TX, son of DAMON VEAZEY and RITA PIERCE. He was born Aug 30, 1963 in Austin, Travis Co, TX.







ii. BRANDON6 VEAZEY, b. 1988.


ArmstrongJoyner Report

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