Braswell Genealogy Report
Based on the work of Roy Bennett Braswell, PhD
Following the Braswells in America - By Roy Bennett Braswell 1983 The Braswell Book Online
Bracewell/Braswell Wills, Deeds and Abstracts
Current Braswell Reunions at bottom of page. Click here.
Descendants of Edmund Bracewell
Please bear with us for a little while. We are re-doing this report completely with new information that has been gathered by family members across the United States and from records and documents that have been added to the internet by State Offices and Universities plus additional Census records.
Some of the new records that have become available will change and add to the Bracewell/Braswell families history. We have been working on the descendancy of both of Rev. Robert's sons, Robert Bracewell, Jr. and Richard Bracewell. The three daughters lines have added research too also.
Anyone who believes the research should stop in the 1970's has much to learn. Some of our beloved relatives who have passed on, made mistakes and these are being corrected as records are found. NONE of them did it on purpose as the records were not available that are now. They just simply could not travel to every court house like we can now, either in person or by computer. Our "highway of discovery" is endless, only waiting for us to find the answers, the truth, not someone's idea of what happened.
Thank you all for signing!
ARTHUR BRASWELL REUNION IN GEORGIA Arthur Braswell b. 1800 and m. Patience Pearce
The annual reunion of the
Descendants of Arthur Braswell and Patience Pearce For further details please contact Jennifer:
Jennifer S. Braswell
Hope you all had a wonderful time |