The Smith Family Organization

Vol. 4, No 1

January 2002

Org. News:

Words from the President:

Alan Smith is the new President of the Charlie & Edith Smith Family Organization. He is supported by his Vice President, Betty Ashton, and the Family Matriarch, Edith Smith. The Presidency is a big job and we hope everyone in the family will offer their help whenever and wherever they can.

As far as words of wisdom go, Alan said to tell everyone: "Have a Happy 4th of July." I asked, is that the only word of wisdom you can come up with? He replied, "My wisdom teeth haven't done anything for me yet."

* OH NO *

We need a

Volunteer Auctioneer

Harrell Smiley will be away on National Guard Duty

during our dinner/auction this year.

Words from the Matriarch:

Madam Matriarch wanted to remind everyone that the Fabulous February Fund-raising Feast is on Saturday, Feb 23rd from noon to 4:30 pm at Martinez Mexican Restaurant on Gross Rd in Mesquite and dinner will be an "all-you-can-eat Fajita Buffet" (same as last year). The family organization will help defray the cost of the dinner so prices are as follows:

Children ages 0-11 FREE

Children ages 12-17 $10

Adults 18 & over $15

Noon to 12:30 Socializing & registration

12:30 - 1:00 Family Organization Reports

1:00 - 2:00 Family Dinner

2:00 - 4:00 Family Auction

4:00 - 4:30 Socializing

*Remember, this is "all-you-can-eat Fajitas", an Auction, a lot of Fun, & NO CLEANUP !

Family Tidbits: Don't forget to visit our Family Web Sites:

Ellen Newman & Bailey Kvalheim will be sharing their 1st year birthday cakes with all of us who attend February's Family Fund-raising Feast on Saturday the 23rd. Ellen will be 1 year old on January 28th & Bailey on February 8th. Their mother's decided that it would be too difficult to have all of the family attend two birthday parties as well as the Family dinner so close together so they will be sharing this fun event with us. But don't forget our Patriarch, Charlie Smith turned 72 on January 31st and our Matriarch, Edith Smith, turns . . . well . . . her birthday is February 12th.

Caitlyn & Travis Smith, Carissa & Susan are among the Harry Potter lovers in our family.

Tyrell & Josie are giving Aletha & Dorothy a run for their money up in North Dakota. They really seem to like it up there in "cold country". (Brrrrrr)

Susan Whitney says she's amazed at the beauty & the diversity of Oregon. They have visited lighthouses, beaches, marine museums, lakes and mountains with

lots of snow. She said the only thing missing is all of us.

David Jr now has his drivers license and is working at an orthodontist's office. He puts half his paycheck into his missionary savings fund.

Carissa has become a voracious reader! She has finished the Chronicles of Narnia and is now enjoying the Nancy Drew series.

C amilla sang a solo (Devrey accompanied) at a church talent show and did a wonderful job. She is learning to sew at school and has found that she

likes it.

Devrey is working at the same orthodontist's office as her brother DJ. She has also written some new music which I hope she will play for us when we all get to the reunion at Turner Falls August 23rd.

Hannah can now write her own name and can recognize many letters and numbers. Susan says "My baby will start kindergarten in Sept!!"

Sariah Kvalheim is a straight A student at Eastfield College. She's really having to work hard to keep up with her school work, her toddler Bailey and her

daughter Jordan.

Dorothy has just gotten a new computer and a cam-corder. She asked that we relay her new address so all of the family can keep in touch: (701) 232-1719

"dorothy allen" <>

June & Melvin Collins' son, Jeff, is now living in Texas.

Our Matriarch & Patriarch are expecting him for dinner on Feb 11th.

Cousin Ravina Engbertson said it has been snowing up in her area of the country, saying it's "one of those days that makes ya want to stay indoors and

bake something scrumptious!!! [I'm] making Banana Nut

bread" . . . (Hey, cuz'n, I want some!)

Lorretta Smith Murphree posted some new family pictures on our "MyFamily" website. Thanks a whole lot Lorretta. We hope she and her family can come to the auction in February and also at

this year's reunion in August.

Tell us what's happening in your family ! Births & Newfound Cousins:

Hey everybody. John Smiley has a new son. Michael Zachary Smiley was born

17 December 2001 in Odessa, Texas.

Our Matriarch's nephew, Johnny Bordner drove up from Austin to attend our Fabulous February Fund-raising Feast last year. We hope youwill be able to attend this year's dinner. You can write to him at 2201 South Lakeshore Blvd, Apt 109, Austin, TX 78741. (512) 441-4967

Family Spotlights: Tell us what's happening in your family !


January Birthdays:

17 Glen Fagg

23 Brenda Serna (& Candace Smith)

28 Ellen Lorraine Newman

31 Charlie Lee Smith, Senior

February Birthdays:

8 Bailey Kiersten Kvalheim

12 Edith G Heflin Smith

March Birthdays:

5 Hannah Whitney

6 Charlie Smiley & John Smiley

12 Charlie Smith, III

19 Devery Whitney

22 Anthony Fagg

April Birthdays:

18 Jordan Lowrance

27 (Spencer Whitney)

30 Amanda Fagg

* Please drop us an email or a phone call or a note. or


Edith Smith had total knee replacement on her left knee in November. We are all glad that she is finally able to get out and around.

Grandma Josie is back home from a 3-month stay with her daughter, Frances, in Springfield MO. You can call her at (972) 286-5277. (*Remember: we are planning to have grandma's 100th birthday

party in Vicksburg, Mississippi, November 2007.)

Whitney Family are now living at 315 N Phoenix Rd., Medford, OR 97504, (541) 734-0668 They really get homesick so please drop them a line.

What's the news in your family. Contact Vivian Lehman or Edith Smith to catch the next Family Newsletter. Don't let your family get left out. For your convenience you can email your news to or