Welcome to Moni's Guestbook!

Meredith - 08/22/00 01:08:44
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/mhogue4446/evans.html
My Email:Mhogue4446@aol.com

Great site! Your babies are adorable!

Mary - 04/23/00 00:13:44
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/mhansonrob/empire.html
My Email:Nunayrbswx@aol.com

Thanks for sharing the stories and photos-- they're wonderful! Was so sorry to learn what happened to your puppy. They give us so much, and the time we have with them always seems too short.

- 03/27/00 18:16:16


Kath - 03/20/00 06:27:37
My URL:http://home.att.net/~s.j.byrne
My Email:ByrnesWorkbench@aol.com

Hi Monica, I live in Peoria and wanted to meet some of my Loth Sis's by visiting their homes on the web :-) You have a very sweet bunch of babies and what a lovely hubby too... He must be a sweetie to give you such a beautiful letter. Thanks for sharing

K.Byrnes Country Graphics

Edward Passama - 01/23/00 01:28:51
My Email:edfiredept@webtv.net

CORRECTION CORRECTION I am sorry I gave the wrong e-mail on my guestbook edfiredept@webtv.net

Edward Passama - 01/23/00 01:21:33
My Email:Edfiredept@web.net

Hi I want to thank you for this web site I have seen many websites but this one is the best, There are many peopl that dont realize that GOD is with all the fire fighter when we go on a fire, I know Be cause I am a Volenteer Fire Man IN Hugry Horse Monta a, And God has been with me on seaveral of them. And I give God all the glory how he has been there with me I will keep all of you up in prayer. and all the Fire Fighters that risk there life's to help the people (again) thank you Edward Passama Fire Marshal Hungry Horse Fire Deptartment

Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 01/16/00 14:53:29
My URL:/Yosemite/Geyser/7165
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com

Shalom from a fellow member of the Messages With Meaning WebRing. I just wanted to drop by and say hello, wish you a happy new year, and drop a prayer or two off so that this year will be more effective and productive for you than last year was. Take car in Y'shua.

11/12/99 20:14:09
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

Renee - 11/10/99 05:33:40
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net


Christian Links for
Kids and Teens

Marcia Davison - 11/06/99 03:12:37
My URL:/Petsburgh/Zoo/8516/

You have a very nice site. I really enjoyed my visit here. Keep up the good work and God bless.

SleepyHead - 11/05/99 23:35:26
My Email:inmemoryofrobby@yahoo.com

Thanks for visiting my new pages, Moni, and double thanks for signing my guestbook. I read your letter from Joe, then I read your memorial to your 3 angels--girlfriend, I don't have time for all these tears, I gotta go bowl! Just kidding, of course--not a out the tears, though. I have an angel, too. You can read about him at my other site In Memory Of Robby. While you're there, why don't you take my calling card? 50megs apparently isn't into letting folks leave t ings from their site, so you will have to go here to get your award(s). I would love you to have 'em.

Rhonda - 10/10/99 09:02:04
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/5483/angel.html
My Email:rpalmer@pitton.com

A very beautiful page. I know your angels are guiding mine around showing them Heaven and all the great places to play!

Kerri Lynn - 09/05/99 22:06:13
My URL:http://www.mysticalconnections.com

I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I really enjoyed my visit to your website. You have done an outstanding job with it and I hope we can get to know each other soon. Please do come by and visit me at my new business aI have online. It is a place where people can send their teddy bears too for a two week camp. It is cheap and the teddy bears or stuffed animals get to come home with a whole bunch of souvenirs from texas and a bunch of pictures of them tubing in the river, camping out in their tents by the lake, riding horses or cows, fishing and much much more. I sure hope that you will come see me there and sign my guestbook. If ya know any friends who may be interested in sending their teddy bear to camp, please send em' our way. Part of the profits made here go to help cancer kids. Oh and keep your eye out for me on the Rosie show soon. Come on and see me, what cha' waitin fer'???

Redriva - 08/24/99 15:28:23
My URL:http://www.redrival.com/redriva/
My Email:Redriva@cableinet.co.uk

Hello to a fellow White Rose Sister *S* I love your site, I have cried twice while visiting you and in a funny way now feel so much better. I too have lost children but i know like you do that they aren't lost forever *S*

Recruiter Sunflower - 08/15/99 14:21:55
My URL:http://www.therumbles.net
My Email:ladysunflower@therumbles.net

You are doin a fantastic job on your page. Please come by the Rumbles and check us out when you get a chance.

Shari Fultz - 07/28/99 09:37:43
My Email:mystee@mtco.com

Hey There Monica! The cursor thing is very *kewl*. Knew you could succeed! Hope everything going on right now works out the very best way possible for you and Joe. Talk to ya soon. Luv Ya's Kiss Ash for me!

LadyIce -LOTH sis - 07/19/99 13:54:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/surf/8121
My Email:ladyice@hotmail.com

Nice site - I LOVE hearts too-in fact- you will find many on my site. Coem visit me and apply for an award. Take care cos I care

Hollie - 07/18/99 04:01:47
My URL:/paris/jardin/1893/hollie.html
My Email:hollie64@hotmail.com

I saw your message in LOTH tidbits, and thought I would drop in, say hello, and take a look at your site. I enjoyed my visit. From one LOTH sis to another...(((HUGS))).

Laura - 07/14/99 19:29:30
My URL:http://cc.weber.edu/~llacey/shroomy.htm
My Email:Raynee666@yahoo.com

Hello there. You have a cute site up, but I couldn't get your photos page to load. Come take a peek at my page. Good luck with your marriage and take care! Laura

Janette Stewart - 07/09/99 00:38:23
My URL:http://nanny9.com
My Email:jstew@ballistic.com

What a lovely site. You've done a great job. I especially liked the love letter from your husband. If more men cared for their wives like this there would be a lot less divorces. Tell Joe I'm proud of him for sharing his true feelings with you. Hope you will visit my new web site. God bless you. Janette JESUS IS LORD!!!

Diane - 06/29/99 11:41:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/picketfence/8430/myown1.html
My Email:mkl81394@midwest.net

Moni, Your friendship means the world to me. I read about your precious babies, and my heart goes out to you! (((((big hugz)))) We will have to meet someday...soon! :o) Until then, I am always here for you, and value you for the treasure you are. Love, Di ne

Jill Rushton - 06/18/99 03:51:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9350
My Email:jill@magnolia-net.com

You have a very nice homepage! Welcome to the White Rose Sisters!

Cyndie - 06/17/99 23:29:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/misscrafts/blondie.htm
My Email:misscrafts@aol.com


Welcome to White Rose Sisters!  I know you will enjoy belonging to such a great group!  Cyndie

Miss Daisie - 06/17/99 22:24:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/2062/
My Email:daisie_mae@hotmail.com

What a beautiful page! Welcome to Women of the Heartland, we are glad to have you!

jeannie - 06/17/99 20:24:27
My URL:http://www.jeanniesjournal.8m.com
My Email:SweetJeenE@aol.com

oops! I made a boo-boo when I typed in the URL last time! this is the correct one...

Jeannie - 06/17/99 20:22:07
My URL:http://www.jeannie'sjournal.8m.com
My Email:SweetJeenE@aol.com

Welcome to white rose sisters! I'm a new sister also. I think you would really enjoy visiting me...someone once told me a long time ago life is like a needlepoint tapestry...you see the back of it & it looks all messy w/ knots, etc., but when you turn it ver, there's a beautiful picture...soon, you will see your beautiful picture, & not just the knots & loose threads

SheCat aka dil - 06/17/99 03:06:49
My URL:http://victorian.fortunecity.com/verona/514/index.html
My Email:SheCat@fcmail.com

Hi Moni, I read about your babies. I had not read that last time I was here. It is such a sad story. I can understand not remembering much. You must have been in such a state of shock. I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope that with time, things get easier on you:) In there interim, I stopped by to welcome you to WhiteRose Sisters:):):):) SheCat:):):):)

SheCatPROductions logo

Father's Day Plate

White Rose welcome
Welcome to WhiteRose Sisters

SheCatPROductions logo

White Rose welcome
Welcome to WhiteRose Sisters

Birth of the Muses plate

Damamma - 06/13/99 05:15:13
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~damamma
My Email:HavenHope@hotmail.com

Thank you for inviting me to your lovely site. Your firefighters dedication page is a great tribute, and you have my favorite bible quote on the index page!!! Damamma

GGG - 06/12/99 20:45:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3491
My Email:kd4tkl@mail.ivprog.com

Hi sweetie, I too am a retired firefighter..& I like your page..I can't imagine a firefighter without faith in God to get them thru..if you get a chance stop by my site..click on the little firehouse! God Bless.. Also a LOTH sis

Bill Jager - 06/10/99 18:34:41
My URL:http://www.alaska-images.com/
My Email:wjager@mindspring.com

2x Retired firefighter. Many firefighters work and risk their lives without depending on prayer or the supernatural for their safety. Instead Firefighters train in the field of "Fire Science" to enhance their ability and knowledge in firefighting. Firefig ters use the superior ability of reason over superstition and beliefs in their daily work. Just wanted to make a clarification to your opening page. Thank you.

Rose - 06/09/99 03:31:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ROSALIN
My Email:rosalin@netscape.net

Hi Monica. I've really enjoyed your pages. I came here to welcome you to White Rose Sisters. I think you'll really like this group. Everyone's so kind & friendly. Please feel free to contact me if you ever need anything.

Welcome gift

Kimmy Smith - 06/08/99 13:37:44
My URL:/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com

Great Page. I wish that you would come and visit me. Thanks for sharing your page; I enjoyed my visit.

Visit Kimmy

juli - 06/07/99 22:50:39
My URL:http:/www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/7425
My Email:japan@execpc.com

HI Moni, Welcome to white rose sisters...aren't they great..I love being a part of them...I hope you will stop by my pages to visit..I like what you've done so far in your cyber home..gonna go back and explore some more but wanted to sign before I got sidetracked. hehehhe....and if you do stop will you make sure and vote for me in the site fights.??? ...so until next time..welcome and all the best...Juli

Lynda - 06/07/99 00:30:54
My URL:http://www.mtl.clubplus.net/~rjsys
My Email:fubar_d@hotmail.com

Hi! I love your home on the net and your pets! Your letter to BabyC brought tears to my eyes. Welcome to the White Rose Sisters Webring...:) Lynda

Lynda - 06/07/99 00:25:15
My URL:http://www.mtl.clubplus.net/~rjsys
My Email:fubar_d@hotmail.com

Your home is beautiful and the letter devoted to BabyC brought tears to my eyes. You sound like me with animals...can't resist them even though I'm not supposed to live with them. I own a Shih-tzu and he's 5 yrs old...couldn't picture our lives without im! Welcome to the White Rose Sister's Webring....keep on smiling.....Lynda

Kare Grayson (again!) - 06/06/99 17:56:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/graysonsangel
My Email:angelofmine_99@yahoo.com


Kare Grayson - 06/06/99 17:52:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/graysonsangel
My Email:angelofmine_99@yahoo.com


Wonderful page and I'm so glad I got to visit! Good luck on the graphics :)

Maggie - 06/06/99 15:51:28
My URL:/Paris/Maison/8065/index.html
My Email:Sweetpea43@usa.net

What a great site you have. I read your message on the WRS message board and wanted to come say hello. Your site is beautiful, touching, and God Bless you. A warm hug from your WRS, Maggie

maggiescorner.jpg (6581 bytes)

macologo2.jpg (3876 bytes)

JAZMINE - 06/06/99 15:48:11
My URL:http:/www.bigfoot.com/~jazmines

Hello Sister, a very warm welcome to W.R.S. I just know you are going to love it. It's a cosy, friendly little group of ladies and we are all so happy to have you with us. You have a lovely site here, Love and hugs Sister Jazmine.

Rhonda - 05/23/99 18:56:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/5483
My Email:rpalmer@pitton.com

oh what a great page!!! You have become a dear friend. Good luck in life and God will bless you richly.

Stacie Cote - 05/23/99 02:03:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/1200/gcring.html
My Email:StacieValleyCL@yahoo.com

I really like your site. Keep p the great work! :) Smiles from Stacie

Monica - 05/01/99 04:19:16
My URL:http://home.att.net/~monicai
My Email:monicai@att.net

Hi Moni! My family calls me by that nick, too. It looks like you're into hearts like I'm into purple. *grin* Thanks for the compliments on my site in my guestbook, and I adore yours, too!

Tracey(doodsis) - 04/28/99 23:48:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nf/singlemother/index.html
My Email:doodsis@sunbeach.net

Moni I have just popped in to say Hi
I have to admit I am in tears after reading about the triples...I am soooo sorry...I really don't know what to say i am all torn up inside.... I will email you later ok??
Love and hugs
Your loth sister Tracey xx

Sherr - 04/28/99 16:49:38
My URL:http://gokhan.home.mindspring.com/Sherry/Sherr.htm
My Email:sherbe@mindspring.com

Thank you for visiting my "home" and signing in. I really enjoyed my visit to yours! I enjoyed reading about your babies aka pets :) and *love* the way you've got the photo album set up. Very kewl! Take care, xoxo ~ Sherr

Allison - 04/28/99 12:28:28
My URL:/SoHo/Village/1652/
My Email:poet@redriverok.com

Oh Moni...I have "met" you before...I realized that when I came to your site and read your tribute to your babies...I read that months ago and was so moved by it...I may have sent you a poem then, but if I didn't I am now...It will be on the MB later...No that we are LOTH Sisters I feel a genuine bond with you...You and your hubby are adorable...His letter to you was so beautiful...My heart is so moved by your site...Thank you for visiting mine...hugs

Diana - 04/26/99 23:33:09
My URL:http://www.sover.net/~dmb
My Email:dmb@sover.net

Hello Moni, you have such a beautiful site,and you sure wrote from the heart about your precious babies! I am so sorry for your loss.

LadyM - 04/26/99 19:49:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Chateau/7263/intro.html
My Email:MyLadyM@aol.com

I love roses MONI......pretty page I like hearts too....but haven't uploaded any to my gift site.....Ouuuuu I found one...yipee {{{{{huggles}}}}}} LadyM

Twilight - 04/20/99 04:20:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/3368/
My Email:twi_33@hotmail.com

Your story brought such tears and an answer to me of how love DOES begin in the womb. I lost my son in 1987 at 5 very tragically. Please read his story on my page. Such a beautiful tribute of your babies and yes, they are always, always! in your heart so lose! God Bless you!

Barky - 04/14/99 14:14:18
My Email:sanctuarybarkers@compuserve.com

This is really cool - however very personnel.

Kodesmom - 04/13/99 02:26:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9839
My Email:rkfogg@ttlc.net


You have a terrific page!! :o) I LOVE my pets (1 dog, 1 cat and 1 bird) too!! Thank you for your warm welcome into LOTH! :o) Have a wonderful day!!
It only takes 5 minutes a day…

Come visit me sometime!

Kelly(MI) - 04/12/99 00:07:14
My Email:kellys@geocities.com

Hiya. I loved your site. The page you did for your Three babies. touched my heart. Thank you for sharing that. Great to be a loth sister and to have you as one! *hugs*

rick - 04/02/99 23:03:24
My Email:RichardBrowning@hotmail.com

Well done kiddo

Flopsy - 03/18/99 16:12:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/3824/
My Email:bunnybuddy@hotmail.com

Moni, thank you for signing my bunny buddy's guesbtook. I truly enjoyed my visit to your beautiful website. Oh, your page "baby C times 3" is just so heartwarming and touched me deeply. Thanks again for a wonderful visit. Happy Easter to you. :)

BleuBunny - 03/17/99 14:52:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/JollyJellyBean/easter/index.html
My Email:bleu_eyes1@hotmail.com

Thank you for taking time to sign my guestbook on the BEAUTIFUL page my SS, JollyJellyBean, made for me! Wow! I am in for some extra, extra spoiling, huh? hehehehe I'm one lucky bunny! ;)


Also, please visit my personal homepage, "Bleu's Corner," at:

koshka - 03/17/99 06:53:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Palais/3422
My Email:koshka30@hotmail.com

Monica, it's so lovely and heartly Site! I like it very much. Bless you and your wonderful family. Happy Easter!

Sayaka Louise - 03/14/99 14:20:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/6160/
My Email:swallowtail99@geocities.com

I came here from Heartland Select! Really hearty site! I love it. I'll come back again :-)

Jill Shaw LeCount - 03/03/99 00:27:02
My Email:Gayle5GL@aol.com

Hi Monica! I'm your cousin, Jill, from Georgetown, Illinois. My parents are Perry and Mary. They gave me your address on the web! Nice to know that I can get in touch with more family!!

Kachina - 03/01/99 17:33:05
My URL:http://www.controversygrrl.com/family.html
My Email:schoenro@imcnet.net


Hello! I came to your page via your pregnancy loss page. I am deeply sorry! :-( You sound like a very special woman with a very speical husband. I wish you two the best in life. I am heading to your husbands site now but wanted to tell you I would be hon red if you would accept my romance award. You can view it at http://www.controversygrrl.com/byme.html

Blessings, Kachina

tricia - 02/24/99 02:13:28
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/trish47
My Email:trish47@pacific.net.sg

wow!! i can see you're a big animal lover as well!! actually i also have 2 dogs and 1 cat but the dogs are getting old and stuff so my cat is basically my love... come visit my site too

Greybeard - 02/21/99 00:56:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/greybeard/index.html
My Email:jimhem@excite.com

What a truely "Hearty" site. Thank you for visiting mine. Greybeard

MAry - 02/20/99 12:36:41
My URL:http://mary.url4life.com
My Email:jesusluv@citrus.infi.net

Moni, the letter is beautiful!! You are truly blessed with a wonderful man! Coming to FL soon???? offer still stands! Love you sis!!

VIPER - 02/17/99 01:51:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/5165/
My Email:viper@aug.com

Great comfortable site..I feel a lot of love is here. Must be nice people.

Terri Humphrey - 02/16/99 16:21:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/6961/angel.html
My Email:Idobones@aol.com

Monica, Thank You for sharing your 3 angels with us, our babies are always with us even when we cannot hold them in our arms, we always hold them in our hearts, Your LOTH Sister, Terri

- 02/11/99 04:23:56

moni's page

Angi - 02/04/99 04:25:24
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/5262/
My Email:angiw@erols.com


Just wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! :-)
Your LOTH Sister,

Absolutely Angi

Lisa - 02/03/99 07:49:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/DerekAlansPage
My Email:kered@telusplanet.net

You have created a beautiful site in memory of your children. I too know the pain of having a child in heaven and I truly feel for the pain that you have experienced.

Mark Whiteman - 01/31/99 19:14:16
My Email:markw4@hotmail.com

HI Moni & Joe great job on the page. MARK

Shari - 01/25/99 00:01:35
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/sword/62/
My Email:mystee@ntslink.net

Your new page is very impressive! Great job! Keep up the good work! See I told you you could do it!

Ann Williams - 01/24/99 12:30:52
My Email:edenw@one.net.au

I love animals too

Melanie Irby - 01/14/99 15:47:19
My Email:MILDR@excite.com

I'm really sorry about your loss. my name is Melanie and I am from Richburg, SOuth Carolina. As a senior in high school, we have to do an essay project to graduate. My project is on SIDS. i would really love to hear from you. I am trying to learn as much s possible. I have read a numerous amount of stories about incidents of SIDS in families. It tears my heart up to read them. I don't know what I would do if it was to happen to me. Please write me about your tragedy if you do not mind. I am a very open pe son and i understand that you can "ALWAYS" use somebody to talk to. Thanks, and I love your page>

Janet Russell - 01/07/99 15:16:07
My Email:janetmike@msn.com

I was here before, but I did not do your guestbook. What a beautiful letter Moni. You are a wonderful person.

Cheri Williams - 01/04/99 04:25:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/CheriR/Angels.html
My Email:acwillia@mtnhome.com

Thanks so much for visiting my site and emailing me. I had not seen your site, and it is beautiful. The music and background are perfect and your story is very touching. I am sorry you also have angels in heaven. Some day we will understand, and be reunited with them. Take care! Cheri

Jeff Wilson - 12/30/98 20:35:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/7018
My Email:JMWolf@Bigfoot.com

Great job. You have a wonderful page. I loved the theme of the page and the midi's on it too.

Sandstorm - 12/23/98 16:35:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/3400

I love you page, great job. We have 4 cats and 3 dogs, one of which is Mis Kitty short for Mischievious Kitty.

The Garners - 12/15/98 06:03:20
My URL:http://www.leftgrlls.com/garner
My Email:Scscottz@aol.com

Beautiful page. We are so sorry for your loss. May God be with you.

MAMABIRD - 12/11/98 14:01:36


MOM#1 - 12/02/98 01:08:39
My Email:dino_9@hotmail.com

i enjoied it although being a good friend you left out a couple of things but since youre my friend will let it slid.

Shari - 11/23/98 16:45:52
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/sword/62/
My Email:Mystee@ntslink.net

Great Job Moni!!! Very impressive and Im very proud of you! Keep up the good work! Looks great! And thank you for the link to my page too! love ya!

mamabird - 11/23/98 03:58:15
My Email:mamabird@dmv.com



me - 11/22/98 07:27:22

just wanted to check this out!!!!!!!!

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