US Navy

Join the Navy See the World

Join the Navy see the World! The Navy has some great opportunities to go places. Since I have been in, I've been in Great Lakes, IL, Sasebo, Yokosuka, and Okinawa, Japan, Darwin, Australia, Tinian, Saipan, Guam (our homeport),Maylasia, Singapore, East Timor, and even Hong Kong!

We have had a lot of fun almost every where we have gone. In East Timor, only a few people were aloud to go ashore so the rest of us simply sat on the boat, watching, in hopes that nothing bad would happen. In Japan we discovered one too many bars, but later found spa's, parks (even Disney), and lots of shopping! Australia was a nice change... I love going places where people speak English! (I never have been very good at picking up on other languages!) Singapore and Hong Kong probably had the best shopping and variety of things to do. Maylasia was different. (Enough said) Guam, Tinian and Saipan are beautiful! Everything is so green and blue! There are some really neat fish and diving is suppose to be wonderful!

This is my ship the USS Frank Cable. At the time this picture was taken we were anchored out while servicing three submarines. Our primary mission was to supply and repair subs, but now we work with surface ships as well.

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