Just A Little About Me...I Promise!

Hi!  This is the boring part of most web sites, yet I feel compelled to add it anyway!  So here goes..... 
I live in Virginia in a small community between Norfolk and Newport News.  This is a nice area to live because there are a variety of people living around here because of the navy families that filter in.  I am the mother of two great kids, Bray-8 years and Brooke-4 years.  Needless to say they are the most perfect angels in the world (I'm sure everyone who knows them thinks the same--*smile*)  I have a wonderful husband named Billy.  Together we work and try to make the best lives possible for our children.  We try hard to incorporate God in every aspect of their lives, to build that foundation now so hopefully it will sustain them later in their lives!  Family is by far the most important aspect of my life.  I am blessed with a family that goes beyond just my husband and children.  I am fortunate enough to have my parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins and my Grannie right here in the same area!  We are all very close and I thank God every day that he has blessed me with such a rich family life!

You've probably already guessed that I am a fanatical scrapbooker!  I have only been scrapping for a little over a year now, but I can honestly say it will be a lifetime hobby!  I started scrapbooking with my cousin's Lori and Nikkie (check out their pages!).  We started with just the basic idea of wanting to do more than have picture albums....we wanted to tell stories with our pictures!  So one thing led to another and with the help of our computers we really got into it. There are countless informative scrapbooking sites out there!  We were fortunate enough to join an e-mail loop here in our area of Virginia that brought us together with other ladies who were just as crazy about scrapbooking as ourselves!  This group has been such a blessing to me!  I have met people who I honestly feel will be my best friends for life!  I have tried to incorporate as much about them on my pages as I have myself, because they are truly an inspiration to me both in scrapbooking and personally!

So here I am putting my little web spot together and I have to tell you I am enjoying every minute of it!  I hope you too will enjoy it and benefit from my trials and errors and from the gracious contributions of my friends! 

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