A Tribute to our Veteran's

The Unknown Soldier

He was once a little baby
Once his family's pride and joy
And there isn't any maybe 'bout
The fact that as a boy
He was a bit of a devil,
And a little snitch of saint,
With his thinking pretty faint.

He was youthful when appended
To that overwhelming score
Summed as freedom was defended
By the blood and tears of way
He was loved and he was able,
To think love a noble guest
For a war but puts its label
On the nation's very best

Life was forced to go without him
Honor bedded him in stone
All of this we know about him
We mention as "Unknown"

True, it's not for us to know him
by his last or given name
Yet we know how much we know him
For his dying just the same.

Author Unknown




I Am...

I am the Flag of the United States of America.
I am called Old Glory.
I am called the Star Spangled Banner.
I am the rockets red glare;
The bombs bursting in air.
I am the omnipotence of patriotism
I am the trenches in France, Germany, Belgium, Anzio, Normandy, Omaha Beach, Guadal Canal, and Korea.
I am the jungle of Vietnam and the sands of Desert Storm and the streets of Bosnia.

I am the names of those who never came back
To keep this republic free. When you salute me,
You are actually saluting them.
I am the symbol of America. The Home of the Proud
the Brave, and the Free.

Author Unknown


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