Welcome Nice to meet you. |
O.K alittle about me. I've been married to my husband for 5 1/2 years . We have 3 loving children and now have one more on the way. So that keeps me pretty well busy. But when I have a chance I enjoy several things like the computer,reading medical fictions , and meeting new people . My husband is USNavy so we travel a good bit. We have been back in the states for almost 2 yrs.I have a page with some pictures of Panama and as you will see its very beautiful. We were stationed there for 3 years.Well look around learn about me and the things I enjoy. |
This way meet my beautiful kids. |
This way to meet the Best Friend anyone could have. |
This way to learn more about Panama. |
Please come back soon as I am in the middle of redesigning my whole webpage with new pictures and updates. So new things will be added. |
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Since my update. |