
Here's a page that is all Bob's.
The photo is from this past hunting season, which was successful.

We live amid the chain of lakes in central Minnesota,
where fishing is a favorite pastime of many.

Winter's cold doesn't stop us from fishing, either. Here's our lakehome!

For your reading enjoyment...35 ways to know you're from Minnesota

1. You have gotten frostbitten and sunburned in the same week.
2. You know people who pronounce Duluth, "Doo-Loot".
3. You measure distance in minutes.
4. Weather is 80% of your conversation.
5. Down south to you means Iowa.
6. You call highways "freeways".
7. Snow tires come standard on all your vehicles.
8. You have no concept of public transportation.
9. You've got more miles on your snowblower than on your car.
10. You know more than one person who has hit a deer.
11. You say that the Mega Mall is just for tourists, yet still go at least once a month.
12. You find it exciting to stare through a hole in the ice adn look at the bottom.
13. You know what and where Dinkytown is.
14. Perkins was the only hangout option in high school.
15. You own at least one item that says, "I'd rather be fishing".
16. You can list all the "Dales".
17. You hate "Fargo" but realize that your entire family has that accent.
18. Mayo is NOT something that goes on a sandwich.
19. You may hate Arne Jesse for alot of things, but you always love him for cancelling school.
20. You call the Metro the "Cities".
21. You know the four seasons-Winter, Still Winter, Road Construction, and Almost Winter.
22. You have lutefisk for Christmas.
23. You design Halloween costumes to fit over snowmobile suits.
24. Nothing gets you madder than seeing a Green Bay sticker on a Minnesota car.
25. You think that Lutherans and Catholics are the two makor religions of the world.
26. You know what "uff-da" means and how to use it in the proper context.
27. You're a loyal Target shopper.
28. You own an ice house, a snowmobile, and a 4 wheel drive vehicle.
29. You feel warm and toasty at -12 degrees.
30. You've attended a formal affair, in your best dress, wearing your finest jewelry, and your Sorels.
31. You remember going Trick-or-Treating in 3 feet of snow.
32. You carry jumper cables in your car.
33. You drink POP and are proud of it.
34. Somewhere in the state is a piece of frozen metal with bits of your tongue stuck to it.
35. You never appreciate "Minnesota Nice" until you move away from it.