Here, you'll find a few fun and quirky things that I've done at different times of the year. I hope that you'll be able to use some of these ideas yourself! Most of the projects are for kids and parents to do together.

Felt Reindeer

Items needed for this project

You can make a reindeer head using your child's foot and handprints as templates. I used felt, but construction paper would work just as well. Trace each hand on a piece of tan or off white felt and cut them out. Next, in a darker shade, trace a foot and cut that out. Now, using the footprint as the reindeer's head and the hands as antlers, glue them onto a felt background. Next, have your child glue on wiggely eyes and a small pom-pom nose-Red, if you have Rudolph in mind! Then add a small piece of pipe cleaner or yarn and you're done! Below is a photograph of Joshua's version of this project. I really love this-especially because his foot and handprints are preserved. I hope that you'll try this one!

Graham Cracker Gingerbread House

Items needed for this project

First, if you're using a milk carton, "glue" it to your base. Otherwise, you can begin to form the pieces of graham cracker into walls. If you cut the gable ends of your house like this You will be able to meet the walls together nicely. Once you've got the walls up, gently "glue" on the roof. Now, it's wise to wait until the frosting has firmed up a bit, so that it won't fall apart when you apply the candy. After it's dried and the house form is stable, it's time for you to get creative. Use the frosting to "glue" on the candy pieces. Have fun with this! Children really enjoy this project.

Punched Votive Holder

Items needed for this project

You'll want to fill the mushroom can with water and freeze it. This way, when you hammer a design into the can, it won't collapse. After the water has frozen solid, make a dot pattern on the can with a marker. Don't make it too complex, though. Keep it simple! Next, use an awl and hammer to punch the design through, making pinholes for the candle light to shine through. Now, set it in the sink so the ice will melt, then put the candle in there and enjoy!


Items needed for this project

Pomanders make a wonderful smelling table top decoration. First, use the skewer to punch a hole into the orange. Then,in the hole you've made, insert a clove-do this as much or as little as you like. If you want, tie a ribbon around the pomander and you're done! This looks great-and smells great,too-in a bowl or basket. Add a few cinnamon sticks, if desired.

Apple Candle Holder

Items needed for this project

Use the apple corer or potato peeler to remove the core of the apple, then insert the taper candle. Then, garnish with the bay leaves-You might be able to make a slit in the apple, or you may need a hot glue gun to do this. Make sure that you use a candle no longer than 8 inches-you don't want it to topple over.

Easter Grass

Items needed for this project

If you'd like to use this as an Easter decoration, do this 7 to 10 days before Easter. First, fill your tray with the potting soil, then sprinkle the grass seed over top. Be generous, a nice layer should do. Then, pat the seed down and water it. Keep it moist, but not wet. Once the seeds begin to sprout, place them in front of a sunny window. You may want to rotate the tray if the grass starts to lean towards the sun--and you might even need to give it a haircut! This makes a great Easter centerpiece when a few decorated Easter Eggs are added!

First day of Spring

Items needed for this project

On the first day of spring, you can stand an egg on end! Try this-I do it every year, and it's a fun science project for kids and adults alike!

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