Scotchie's Friends |
I devoted a special page to the 2 other family members that help me keep an eye on my pack. Lady the German Shepherd and Tyrone the tabby cat. Although I wasn't too crazy about them at first, now I guess they're not so bad as long as they stay away from my food and bones! |
And here she is showing off on her beanbag.... |
Here's Lady as a puppy... |
I really don't think this is appropriate, do you? |
...and here she is in "herding mode" during one of our walks - ready to round us up and hustle us home! |
Here's Tyrone as a kitten - I would look MUCH better in that hat! |
"This seat is TAKEN!" |
"However, if you insist on sitting here.......this is my preferred reclining position. Any lap will do!" |
Click here to see Scotchie's Friends in Cyberspace! |
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