Sometimes people forget the things that are important to them and the things they started living for in the beginning become part of the backgrounds of their lives.All of the dreams that they had become forgotten as the pressure and responsibilities of day to day living become all consuming.We are all guilty of letting our loved ones fade into the background of our lives from time to time. Then suddenly we look around us and ask ourselves"What Happened?" I have recently been confronted with the fact that I have forgotten the important things in my life and forgot to tell the ones I love that they are the purpose in my life. I want to take the time now to let one special person know what he has meant to me all these years. I know this doesnt make up for the time that I wasted on minor worries, but I hope it at least lets him know that I remember what I started living for.
We all start out in the BEGINNING with pure hearts and true emotions.We love with all we have, and we live with all we have.We started out knowing that we would be together forever. We had hopes, and dreams, and we were certain it would all come true for us.Our first blessing together was Austin.With his birth the world suddenly became a little brighter for us. As the years passed and the BABIES kept coming, our cup was overflowing. We had so many blessings in life.The years continued to fly by us, and we suddenly found ourselves in this place. Where we realize that over the years we let our lives edge our happiness into the dark corners of our minds. The bills, the house, the jobs, the outside commitments.Then things become hard.It has been so long since we actively tried to love one another that we have forgotten how.The hardtimes are suddenly upon us and now all that certainty and pure emotion of our youth is faded. We are left with years of hurt feelings and broken promises. This is the part where we will truly prove our devotion to this life we have chosen together.I want you to know that I do love you, Danny Witt, and that you have always been my sunshine in life even if I let the clouds of hurt hide that from you.You have always been my BESTFRIEND and my love, and that will never change.I would give anything to take back the years we have lost. We werent truly living and loving, we were giving in to the pressures of life. Now I know that the pressure of this life isnt worth living and fighting for if you are not in it with me.I have always loved you, and I always will. I devote the rest of my life to you and our family.You are my purpose, my hope, my everything.I love you.

Your wife, Sharon